On Sun, 2018-11-25 at 05:17 -0500, Programmer wrote:
> There don't seem to be any Common Lisp libraries available as
> packages.  I'd be interested in packaging the most common and mature
> Common Lisp libraries, but I'm not certain who I'd discuss this with.
> I'd appreciate any help with getting started contributing to OpenBSD.
I found a guide at https://www.openbsd.org/faq/ports/. There is also a
ports mailing list.
Kristjan Komloši
Dobite me lahko preko/you can contact me through:
Mail (šola/school): kristjan.koml...@sg.sckr.si
Mail (privat/private): kristjan.koml...@gmail.com
Tel: +386 31 679 339 (po 14. uri / after 14:00)

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