On Fri 15/03 15:47, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2019-03-14, Joel Carnat <j...@carnat.net> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The Internet is full of "OpenBSD desktop works better when rising
> > datasize/maxproc/openfiles/stacksize in login.conf". One thing I can't
> > manage to find is how you can monitor those values?
> >
> > I'm Ok to set arbitrary recommended values depending on system
> > configuration and general usecases (like using Firefox/Chrome etc). But
> > I would like to check for my current used values. Like looking at top
> > or vmstat to know how much resources I'm actually using. And how often
> > the system raises the 75% threshold.
> >
> > Is there a way to monitor these usage numbers to set adequate limits?
> >
> > TIA,
> >  Jo
> >
> >
> It doesn't show you everything, but you can check memory in 'maximum
> resident set size':
> $ \time -l chrome
Thanks Stuart. This is needed for each command I run and want to be
monitored, right?

Reading the manpage for ps(1) once again, I ended wondering if that wasn't
the answer to my initial question...

# ps -ax -o pid,lim,rsz,dsiz,ssiz,tsiz,vsz,command | sed '2,/firefox/d'
69866 5875588   7072   3352   16   32   3400 /usr/local/libexec/gvfsd
74573 5875588 104524 188200   80  196 188476 /usr/local/lib/firefox/firefox 
67248 5875588 199444 263132  140  196 263468 /usr/local/lib/firefox/firefox 
 5430 5875588 215532 291920  164  196 292280 /usr/local/lib/firefox/firefox 
59826 5875588 116908 190948  128  196 191272 /usr/local/lib/firefox/firefox 

Does this indicates the values I'm looking for?


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