On 24/04/2019 02:13, Edgar Pettijohn wrote:
On Apr 23, 2019 6:35 PM, Noth <nothingn...@citycable.ch> wrote:

On 23/04/2019 23:51, Edgar Pettijohn wrote:
On Apr 23, 2019 2:49 PM, Noth <nothingn...@citycable.ch> wrote:

     I'm trying to migrate my setups for smtpd+dovecot, and I'm about half
there. The scenario is this:

- OpenBSD client machines have smtpd set up to send the daily/weekly
mails to an address u...@example.org handled by central server also
running smtpd

- Central server running OpenBSD with smtpd + dovecot for domain
example.org. Local mail is also delivered to u...@example.org

I can mail u...@example.org using the u...@example.org mail account, and
mail from 6.3 machines is still coming in, but I don't receive mail from
the 6.4 machines. I'm a bit stumped as to what I've setup wrong here.
Any suggestions are welcome. All this was based on the old faq example
that was removed in 6.4. Dovecot config works fine.

Maillog is full of these errors: result="524 5.2.4 Mailing list
expansion problem"

Client machines smtpd.conf :

listen on lo0

table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases

action "relay" relay host "smtp://mail.example.org" tls no-verify
action "maildir" maildir alias <aliases>

match from local for "example.org" action "relay"
match from local for local action "maildir"

Client machines aliases file has the root entry modified like thus:

root: u...@example.org

Server smtpd.conf:

queue compression

# pki setup
pki mail.example.org cert "/etc/ssl/mail.example.org.crt"
pki mail.example.org key "/etc/ssl/private/mail.example.org.key"

# tables setup
table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases
table domains file:/etc/mail/domains
table passwd passwd:/etc/mail/passwd
table virtuals file:/etc/mail/virtuals

# listen ports setup
listen on lo0
listen on egress port 25 tls pki mail.example.org auth-optional
listen on egress port submission tls-require pki mail.example.org auth

# special case for gmail to avoid ipv6 here
#limit mta for domain gmail.com inet4

action "deliver" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d /var/dovecot/lmtp -f
%{sender} %{rcpt}" virtual <virtuals>
action "deliver_local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d
unix:/var/dovecot/lmtp" alias <aliases>
action "relay" relay

match from any for domain <domains> action "deliver"
match from any for local               action "deliver"
match from local for local             action "deliver_local"

aliases file same as for clients

domain file:



ab...@example.org         u...@example.org
postmas...@example.org    u...@example.org
webmas...@example.org    u...@example.org
u...@example.org          vmail

Are the clients clients sending their mail and the server is having problems or 
vice versa?
Actually the error is 550 invalid recipient because of
r...@hostname.example.org instead of u...@example.org. Sorry about that

Follow the first example from smtpd.conf(5) and set up a "smart host relay" 
then set up the server to listen on 587 and authenticate. That should be the first step. 
I remember having a similar problem but I don't remember the exact solution.


OK, using the example in the manpage for smtpd.conf, the client machines are able to send to the correct address using this:

listen on lo0

table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases

action "relay" relay host "smtp://mail.example.org" tls no-verify
action "local" maildir alias <aliases>

match for local action "local"
match for any action "relay"

But the central server isn't able to process local mail ( I use /etc/daily as the test). Using the following config, all I get is :

Apr 24 12:19:56 hostname smtpd[35350]: 0000000000000000 mda delivery evpid=0301bf137eed1f11 from=<> to=<u...@example.org> rcpt=<r...@hostname.example.org> user=vmail delay=0s result=PermFail stat=Error ("smtpd: mda command line could not be expanded: No such file or directory")

It seems to either have a problem with my virtual file or with the aliases one. I've tried redoing both to no avail. As you can see below I tried using a different local to local delivery method but that had the exact same error, which really puzzled me as no mda keyword is being invoked, just lmtp!

server conf (for tables, see above):

pki mail.example.org cert "/etc/ssl/mail.example.org.crt"
pki mail.example.org key "/etc/ssl/private/mail.example.org.key"

table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases
table domains file:/etc/mail/domains
table passwd passwd:/etc/mail/passwd
table virtuals file:/etc/mail/virtuals

listen on lo0
listen on egress tls pki mail.example.org
listen on egress port submission tls-require pki mail.example.org auth <passwd>

action mda_with_aliases mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d /var/dovecot/lmtp -f %{sender} %{rcpt}" alias <aliases>
#action lmtp-local lmtp localhost:25 alias <aliases>
action mda_without_aliases mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d /var/dovecot/lmtp -f %{sender} %{rcpt}" virtual <virtuals>

match for local action mda_with_aliases
#match for local action lmtp-local
match from any for domain <domains> action mda_without_aliases

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