On Sun, 12 Feb 2006, Dave Feustel wrote:

> The source and OpenBSD executables for five X11 demo programs 
> is now available at http://dfeustel.home.mindspring.com/e-files.zip.
> The programs are xkey, xspy, xwatchwin, xghostwriter, and xevact. 
> The code and makefiles have been tweaked enough to compile 
> and run on OpenBSD 3.8, but the original unmodified code is contained 
> in the .tgz files in the zip file.
> Xspy and xkey are key logging programs. I got one of these programs
> to log kde konsole keystrokes to a different user login running in
> console mode after I ran xhost + in the kde session.

You are a fucking genius! Why didn't I think of that? Security is much
harder when you turn it off. 

> Xwatchwin allows you to peek at a window on another X server.
> Xghostwriter is supposed to make the x11 keyboard seem to be
> demonically possessed. It doesn't quite work, but probably can 
> be made to work by anyone with a little x11 experience.
> Xevact is a more complicated program. Read the documentation
> to see what it does. I took the sound features out of the OpenBSD
> version of the program to get it to compile since I never use sound 
> effects on my computer.
> Documentation of these programs is sparse, but adequate to run the programs.
> Have Fun,
> Dave Feustel
> -- 
> Lose, v., experience a loss, get rid of, "lose the weight"
> Loose, adj., not tight, let go, free, "loose clothing"

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