On 2019-05-22 09:25, mxb wrote:
I think FreeBSD or any Linux template will work just fine and add vmxnet3.
However, last I checked (1year ago) vmxnet3 been less stable than
e1000 under pressure.

Don't use the Linux templates. I would recommend against using the FreeBSD templates, and go with "Other (64-bit)" instead. YMMV on using FreeBSD vs Other, I haven't seen consistent results here yet... just don't pick Linux, or DOS, or Windows - in some situations, that allows VMware to take certain shortcuts that are based on assumptions about the Linux/Win/etc. kernel & device drivers that (probably) aren't valid under OpenBSD.

Various people have reported different problems with vmxnet3; I'm aware of at least 4 or 5 different environment-specific issues (i.e. can't be reproduced on any other vSphere/ESXi system). I have some of those problems, and I cannot reproduce them outside my production environment, but they don't prevent me from running OpenBSD.

* use vmxnet2
* use e1000

If vmxnet3 and pvscsi work for you (you'll know pretty darn fast!), use them. When they work, which is usually (in my experience), they're generally very stable and high-performing compared to the emulated h/w (e1000, lsisas, lsiscsi, buslogic).

I also experience timer issues, and I've had to specify kern.timecounter.hardware=i8254 in sysctl.conf. This is likely a VMware problem, not an OpenBSD problem, but it's non-trivial to diagnose. (Even i8254 doesn't work perfectly: e.g. usleep() isn't very accurate in my VMs!) I'm also running these VMs on very heavily-loaded hosts, which is probably a factor.

My disk write throughput is horrible, but that's an interaction between how OpenBSD does writes, how VMware handles writes into thin-provisioned disks, and how my NFS storage handles writes on thin-provisioned volumes; it's not an OpenBSD problem, strictly speaking, although that's the only place it's normally visible.

Overall, OpenBSD works well under ESXi, but there are semi-random problems that do have workarounds.

Several years ago, Theo noted (approximately, I'm going from memory here AND paraphrasing) that it was hard enough for OpenBSD to handle broken hardware implementations, it's exponentially harder to handle an incorrect software emulation of hardware that was incorrect in the first place. This has proven accurate, and VMware doesn't really care much about OpenBSD, since I doubt it even registers on their radar so they're not terribly interested in fixing VMware bugs that are only visible under OpenBSD. (If you have a support contract, please submit bug reports to VMware. If enough of us do so, they might start fixing some of the problems.)


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