I thanks a lot! I need a litle more help, I do not want to give up. :)
I use now the terms of the provider, I do not like virtual machines
and have no experience with them.
I loaded cd65.iso in the providers platform as "other 64-bit
OS image". Then I loaded it in the (virtual) DVD rom and started the
server. bsd.rd booted, vmx0 appeared and did work, I installed the
system with internet connection.
The installed system seems to boot. I can start and stop it clicking
in the web, with the offered "software method" that supposedly does
not work without the "VMWare tools". But it complains that
without "VMWare tools" there is no console, and I do not get the damned
WWW console, called "KVM console" by the provider.
And the installed and booted system do not react to ping and
ssh, probably a net configuration is necessary. This means: I
must use c65.iso as rescue system.
c65.iso as (virtual) DVD do boot and I get the console, although
I also get the same messages that without the "VMWare tools" that
is not possible. Whay the difference?
During installation there was something strange, but I think that
it is not the origin of the problem. The automatic partition offered me:
a 2048 on /
c 41943040
i 997376 extfs (?!) to be mounted nowhere
j 40943616 unknown to be mounted nowhere
Although this was very suspicious, I answered yes for not dealing long
with the console. It seems, it did no do partition and fs. It
did not load the sets, it complained "cannot determine prefetch
area ...". Perhaps a bug?
I did the partition manually (what I always use to do). 200 times more
than that a on /, 512 times more that that a as b (swap), and the rest
as e on /usr. There was then no problem with the installation.
But was that ext2fs that appeared in the automatic partition
necessary for something?!
Thanks again for any hint