On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 03:06:30AM +0100, Andrew Luke Nesbit wrote:
On 21/06/2019 19:02, Frank Beuth wrote:
I don't want to re-open the hostilities, but installing OpenBSD via
Ansible is very relevant to my interests.

I feel exactly the same way and am surprised that Ansible caused
hostilities.  Can you send me a link to the thread where this happened
please?  I want to know why, i.e., pros and cons.

It doesn't look to me like Ansible as such caused any trouble, it was someone's use of Ansible in an unsupported way (and probably many other configuration choices), leading to further problems, and then people got angry.

For details search the misc@ archives for "Reboot and re-link" (the subject line), things got spread across multiple threads:

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