On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 02:37:20AM +0000, Ipsen S Ripsbusker wrote:
> I realized that you did mention what you liked in your first mail.
> > I keep a lot of my brain in Evernote, and having a replacement is a
> > big productivity boost for me. I mainly want a way to categorize notes
> > into categories/labels/notebooks, be able to view all notes in that
> > category/label/notebook, and be able to search all notes.
> >
> > If I could also access that information from a mobile device, that
> > would be great but not required.
> As others have pointed out, specialized text files  in a synchronized
> directory do seem to accomplish this. I consequently think there is
> more that you like about Evernote but have not articulated.

You are right.

I surely left stuff out because I did not articulate all the reasons I
use Evernote. I conveyed the main reasons I use Evernote and in a
sense what features are that I care about on a day to day basis.

I'm leaning towards Zim (which is in ports, has a nice GUI, has the
features I wanted, and its data files are text files) with rclone for
syncing to a cloud data store.

I start migrating all my Evernote data to it tomorrow. I will probably
write up a blog post about it once I've completed the entire
process. I'll need to write a script to handle the conversion.

I appreciate your reply.
Take care!

Chris Humphries <ch...@sogubsys.com>
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