On 04/07/2019, cho...@jtan.com <cho...@jtan.com> wrote:
> ropers writes:
>> ::I put on my robe and tinfoil hat.::
>> ... Wow. The things you guys come up with ...
> I mean yeah, I guess, in theory maybe?
> Of course in order to achieve this level of evil you need highly competent
> governments and corporations but that's no problem right?
> Matthew

Remember, you can have the effects of conspiracy without there being a
conspiracy, so long as the preconditions exist and things and people
lean a certain way. (after A. Goldman)

Honestly, with some of the stuff I just mentioned, and with "smart"
features soon to be included in just about any type of product by
default, I expect that sooner or later, **transistor pollution** will
become a real problem.

I could go on if people wanted to hear it, though this is OT.


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