On Sat, Jul 06, 2019 at 01:57:49PM BST, Jay Hart wrote:
> > On Sat, Jul 06, 2019 at 11:56:32AM BST, Jay Hart wrote:
> >> Good Morning,
> >>
> >> What is the simple way to have sysmerge "keep" all custom changes to the 
> >> config files, during a
> >> system update from one stable release to the next? I seem to struggle with 
> >> this every release...
> >>
> >> Thanks for your time.
> >>
> >> Jay
> >>
> >
> > Hi Jay,
> >
> >     $ man 8 sysmerge
> >     [...]
> >     FILES
> >          /etc/sysmerge.ignore    Files and directories to ignore from 
> > comparison.
> >     [...]
> >
> > Is this what you have in mind?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Raf
> >
> >
> I think its more like when diff asks to keep current config vs new config. I 
> want to keep my
> current config files (or at least those custom portions).
> Jay


Well, if you want to keep the current config, then surely sysmerge
asking you whether you want to or not, is unnecessary, isn't it? ;^)

I use -current and this is what I do:

1. I modify the files (either by hand or using config management system).

2. I have a /etc/sysmerge.ignore file managed by SaltStack:


3. Let sysmerge deal with any other files upon booting into a new

4. Every so often, usually when there's something new of interest on
   "Following -current"[0], or I read about it on tech@ or source-changes@,
   I delete the above file and simply run:

        # sysmerge -d

   and merge the new bits in (if they're not in conflict with my own

5. Config management recreates the file.

The above 'sysmerge -d' line is actually part of my post-upgrade
script (and is being run with the above file in place), i.e.:

        /usr/sbin/sysmerge -d
        /usr/sbin/pkg_add -Dsnap -u     
        /usr/sbin/pkg_delete -a

The last two are available from ports.

[0] https://www.openbsd.org/faq/current.html

Hope this helps.



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