On Wed, 10 Jul 2019 10:13:48 +0200
Stefan Sperling <s...@stsp.name> wrote:

> What's interesting is that this is another device with unequal amount
> of Tx and Rx chains; so your problem looks similar to this bug which
> has already been fixed: https://marc.info/?t=155695014700002&r=1&w=2

Thanks for pointing this out, Stefan. It hadn't occurred to me to
search for problems with other chipsets supported by athn(4). Let's
chalk it up to brain damage on my part from years of Linux usage. :)

> To start narrowing things down a bit, can you try 'ifconfig athn0
> mode 11g' and 'ifconfig athn0 mode 11a' to see if those modes still
> work?

11a didn't work, but 11g did. Here's the shell script I used.

#!/usr/bin/env ksh

echo "shutting down athn0"
ifconfig athn0 down
sleep 15
echo "starting up athn0 in 11g mode"
ifconfig athn0 mode 11g join "Portable Hotspot" wpakey ************
up dhclient athn0

Thanks for the suggestion. I hadn't thought about manually setting the
mode; I had assumed from reading the man page that athn would select
the appropriate mode, but I guess I was wrong.

Now I just need to RTFM again and figure out how to get the mode
setting into /etc/hostname.athn0.

Thanks again!

Matthew Graybosch
https://matthewgraybosch.com | gopher://asgartech.com:70
xmpp: starbrea...@matthewgraybosch.com
"'Out of order'? Even in the future nothing works!"

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