
Since years I've been using a shell script of mine to shutdown my laptop
when battery is critical.  Convenient because I made it portable among
unix-like systems.  In the case of OpenBSD the script asks battery and
AC status to apm(4).

Now I gave a try to the apmd(8) -Z option but, so far, I couldn't make
it work in a reliable way.  I added to rc.conf.local:

 apmd_flags="-A -Z 20"

But, after doing some tests, sometimes it works, other it seems like
it's totally ignored.

Curious because power management seems to work fine in my T410.  It
sleeps, resumes and hibernates perfectly.  /var/log/messages and 'apmd
-d' don't show significant errors.  Do I need to set something else, add
some -t value to ampd command or some script to /etc/apm?


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