On 8/14/19 9:20 PM, Aaron Mason wrote:
> Hi Tito
> Can you tell us more about the database?  How often will its data be
> changed, added to, etc? How much data do you have?  How complex are
> your DB queries?  These answers will help determine the RAM and
> processor requirements for the database.
> As for the web server daemon itself, I think Reyk Floeter would be the
> best placed to answer that question - also paging Nick Holland for
> more hardware expertise.
> On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 12:57 PM Tito Mari Francis Escano
> <titomarifran...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi to everyone at misc,
>> I'm recently working on an OpenBSD-based PHP7 web application with
>> PostgreSQL-backend for a local government agency and was wondering what
>> would you recommend as the acceptable server specification. This web
>> application won't reach the Google or Facebook level of visits per day,
>> but I was hoping to prepare this be deployed and run for quite a long
>> time and ready for about 60,000 visits per day at most.
>> Your advise and recommendation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.

Dang, somehow, I've got a bad habit of hitting CTRL-ENTER at the end of 
lines, and that's "SEND" on some mail clients.  Did that twice in the
24 hours on two different mail clients.  sigh.


60,000 hits per day isn't the question.  Rarely does load come in evenly
spread out, usual things are spikey -- after school, after work, before
work, whatever.  So the scaling question is "how many hits per second
can you expect peak?" and "how much delay will your users tolerate at
that peak moment?"

And really, you need to test your own app in your own environment with
your expected peak load.

IF your bosses are insisting on "buy once for five years", you are going
to horribly overspend.  They are damn fools.  But, they are also "The
Boss", so you live by 'em.  You will save a lot of money by buying
something that will PROBABLY work for a year or so, and replace it *IF*
it turns out to be undersized.

If you want to do it right, take an old pc with a standard SATA disk,
build it out as a web server, and load test it with your peak expected
load with your application being used in a realistic way.  If it works,
get a faster server with more memory and use SSDs, and you will be in
great shape. 


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