> From:       list <list () md5collisions ! eu>

> my /etc/hostname looks exactly like you proposed:

> inet6 autoconf autoconfprivacy soii 
> inet6 <my IP6>

> when i enter the default IPv6 gateway manually. I can ping stuff 
> but don't get a reply.  When I don't: "No route to host"

> (With route to fe80::1%vio added and the normal hostname.vio0)

I would suggest not specifying any routes or link-local addresses, and
instead in /etc/hostname.vio0 make sure the IPv6 address in <my IP6>
is the public IPv6 address given by your provider (I know there's a
/64, but I'm just going by the example of my own provider.)

Then make sure /etc/mygate doesn't have any IPv6 addresses. Then
perhaps reboot everything to make sure you've cleared out references
to fe80::1, if /bin/sh /etc/netstart doesn't get everything working.

My provider's configuration examples said to use -autoconfprivacy and
-soii so you might try that also. But mine works with autoconfprivacy
and soii.

What is the output of slaacctl show interface vio0?

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