On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 04:32:29PM +0200, Mohamed salah wrote:
> I wanna put something in discussion, what's your motivational to use
> OPENBSD what not other bsd's what not gnu/Linux, if something doesn't work
> fine on openbsd and you love this os so much what will do?

What I really like in the OpenBSD team is the ability to take correct
decisions and not trying to be consumer friendly or following a trend.

I say consumer friendly instead of user friendly, because OpenBSD _is_
user friendly, as far as you do your homeworks and learn how to read the
documentation. The system come with sane defaults and every user can
easily enjoy their own system for their own use.

Consumers don't want to think or make the effort.

Some of the decisions are the following:

Microphone on laptop?
        disabled by default, change requires root

        only for root by default

Disable SMT?
        default setting

Sacrifice startup speed for security (randomization)?

The list could be extended with unmaintained code removal (tmpfs,
bluetooth, linux emulation etc...)

Those choices would be considered bold or even harmful to users on some
others systems I've been slightly involved.

But in the end, they are beneficial for the end user.

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