Muhammad Kaisar Arkhan( on 2019.08.29 14:55:03 +0200:
> Hi Tom,
> > listen  on 2a03:6000:9106::50f7:f07a:d1cc port 443 tls
> I've tried this before, it just results in this:
> /etc/relayd.conf:33: cannot load certificates for relay https2:443

Your error says "for relay https2", but the relayd.conf file you quote does
not have a relay "https2".
Please show the output of "relayd -nvv" and *exactly* the /etc/relayd.conf
file at the time when you ran the command.

Also i don't think relayd has support for "listen on egress",
it should alsways display

   /etc/relayd.conf:##: invalid listen ip: egress

when you use

   listen on egress port https tls

in your config.

> I'm not sure why it does this despite the fact I have clearly 
> indicated which TLS certificates to use in relayd.conf with the
> new "tls keypair" feature.
> % cat /etc/relayd.conf
> log connection
> table <local_httpd> { }
> table <local_rubywarden> { }
> table <local_znc> { }
> http protocol "reverse_proxy" {
>         return error
>         match header set "X-Forwarded-For" value "$REMOTE_ADDR"
>         match header set "X-Forwarded-By" value "$SERVER_ADDR:$SERVER_PORT"
>         match request header "Host" value "" \
>                 forward to <local_znc>
>         tls keypair ""
>         tls keypair ""
>         tls keypair ""
> }
> relay "https" {
>         listen on vio0 port 443 tls
>         listen on 2a03:6000:9106::50f7:f07a:d1cc port 443 tls
>         protocol "reverse_proxy"
>         forward to <local_httpd> port 80
>         forward to <local_znc> port 6666
> }
> protocol "znc" {
>         tls keypair ""
> }
> relay "irc" {
>         listen on vio0 port 6697 tls
>         listen on 2a03:6000:9106::50f7:f07a:d1cc port 6697 tls
>         protocol "znc"
>         forward to <local_znc> port 6666
> }


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