Hi gents,

Sorry for the slow reply, and thank you for all your responses! :D

Raf, you are correct. It seems that the ftp client is performing an http(s)
To me this seems unusual (was expecting 'curl' or 'wget' etc to avoid code
duplication) and confusing? What do you think?

Stuart, thanks for your suggestion. This confirmed the ftp client is using
[HOME]root@testbsd1:/local#pgrep -lf ftp
40379 /usr/bin/ftp -o -

Tom/PJ, Understood. Was just very confused why ftp was getting involved..

Anyway, I have tested this some more, and it looks like the issue is
related to when using "flavors", and looks like maybe their is some sort of
timeout occuring maybe.

- We can see that pkg_add is working fine when specifying packages
[HOME]root@testbsd1:/local#pkg_add sudo--gettext bash htop
quirks-3.124 signed on 2019-10-16T20:27:45Z
[HOME]root@testbsd1:/local#pkg_add vim--no_x11-perl-python3-ruby
unzip--iconv bzip2 git fzf
quirks-3.124 signed on 2019-10-16T20:27:45Z

- But throws errors when I try and use flavours which is critical for
installing python for example (NB; This is a different error to before,
where I was getting 'timeout' instead of 'Invalid argument');
[HOME]root@testbsd1:/local#pkg_add python%2 py-pip python%3 py3-pip
quirks-3.124 signed on 2019-10-16T20:27:45Z
ftp: Receiving HTTP reply: Invalid argument
signify: gzheader truncated
Couldn't install py3-setuptools-40.0.0v0

- This package is accessible as seen here;
--2019-10-30 14:29:28--
Resolving mirror.bytemark.co.uk (mirror.bytemark.co.uk)...,, 2001:41c8:20:5e6::150, ...
Connecting to mirror.bytemark.co.uk (mirror.bytemark.co.uk)||:80...
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 731604 (714K) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘py3-setuptools-40.0.0v0.tgz’

714.46K   270KB/s    in 2.6s

- And works if specified on its own;
[HOME]root@testbsd1:/local#pkg_add py3-setuptools
quirks-3.124 signed on 2019-10-16T20:27:45Z

If I try the line with flavors again "pkg_add python%2 py-pip python%3
py3-pip py3-setuptools" it works..

As others would be crying about this too if it were a wide issue, I thought
this was maybe a bad mirror...
So I have now tried every mirror in the UK, and they all do the same thing
- intermittent issues accessing packages when using flavours..

I am not running squid or any kind of web proxy, http and https are being
passed out with nothing more than standard NAT and a pass rule.
I will try and figure out what is going on. Leave this with me. If I find
anything meanful and useful I will let you know. For now, consider this an
issue with my setup..

PS; has anyone managed to get ftpproxy working in an rdomain?

Thanks for your time and responses.. :)

On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 9:17 AM PJ <p...@pjk.de> wrote:

> Am 30.10.19 um 07:32 schrieb tom ryan:
> > On 2019-10-29 20:19, PJ wrote:
> >> Am 28.10.19 um 23:52 schrieb Stuart Henderson:
> >>> On 2019-10-28, Andy Lemin <andrew.le...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> Hi guys,
> >>>>
> >>>> Does anyone know if it is possible to completely disable ftp in the
> package management utilities; pkg_add, syspatch, sysupgrade etc?
> >>>>
> >>>> My PKG_PATH references http:// urls, as does /etc/install. But I
> cannot stop these tools trying to use ftp which does not work! :(
> >>> Can you show some example URLs, for example from "pgrep -lf ftp" while
> >>> trying to use one of these utilities?
> >>>
> >>> The only place I would expect to see ftp:// URLs used
> >> grep ftp /usr/sbin/sysupgrade
> > $ grep -ne ftp -e URL -e MIRROR /usr/sbin/sysupgrade
> > 102:0)  MIRROR=$(sed 's/#.*//;/^$/d' /etc/installurl) 2>/dev/null ||
> > 103:            MIRROR=https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD
> > 105:1)  MIRROR=$1
> > 117:    URL=${MIRROR}/snapshots/${ARCH}/
> > 119:    URL=${MIRROR}/${NEXT_VERSION}/${ARCH}/
> > 136:unpriv -f SHA256.sig ftp -Vmo SHA256.sig ${URL}SHA256.sig
> > 176:    unpriv -f $f ftp -Vmo ${f} ${URL}${f}
> >
> > Your point?
> I understand that I misread the question, sorry.
> >>> is when fetching
> >>> certain distfiles while building some things from ports (and they would
> >>> usually fallback to http://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/distfiles if
> >>> the ftp fetch failed)..

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