
I tried something similar: 2x machines (FreeBSD) with OpenBGPD,
CARP (for fail-over of the internal default gateway), PF and pfsync.

I encountered problems especially with assymetric routed traffic.
E.g. traffic coming in via router 1, going to the client/server and
going out via router 2. pf/pfsync sets up the session and replicates
states to the other machine - the connection is established.. but
I have massive problems with really transferring data (which means,
POP3 login works, small mails are downloaded, but then it interrupts).

Maybe I have mistakes in the pf.conf (I use the keep state everywhere..).
I am also not sure, if this setup is a clever idea.. anyone?


>   I started working for a company that its production site is 
> running 2 
> PIX firewalls with no VRRP (to save cost on licensing, duh). 
> I offered 
> and they approved to replace them with 2 OpenBSD and CARP. In 
> front of 
> the FW there is a Cisco 7200 router doing BGP. I offered to 
> remove the 
> router and use OpenBGP on the OpenBSD firewalls instead, thus 
> achieving 
> failover on BGP too. But I don't know whether this is a good idea or 
> should I add 2 more OpenBSD systems specifically for BPG?
> Paolo
> PS - The FWs will be single CPU Dell PowerEdge 1850 systems with 
> (probably) 1GB RAM.

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