*David, sorry for the repeated message. I realized that reply only went out
to you alone and not the mailing list :P

Here's what I have tried:

setup the xorg.conf file to tell it to use the intel driver instead of
Section "Device"
   Identifier "inteldrm"
   Driver "intel"

modified login.conf and increased datasize-cur for staff class from 1536M
to 4096M

Here are the new dmesg and Xorg.0.log:

noticed this in the beginning of the Xorg.0.log file.
[   266.934] (WW) checkDevMem: failed to open /dev/xf86 and /dev/mem
(Operation not permitted)
Check that you have set 'machdep.allowaperture=1'
in /etc/sysctl.conf and reboot your machine
refer to xf86(4) for details
[   266.934] linear framebuffer access unavailable

terminal message from mpv when viewing a live video from twitch:
it mentioned something about libEGL warning: DRI3: Screen seems not DRI3
and basically I'm still having the same problem as before; stuttering,
audio/video stopping every few seconds.

and now when i play youtube videos with mpv, some seem to cause my x to
crash and takes me immediately back to the xenodm login screen for some
reason. not all videos, but many do. not sure if this was the case before i
made these changes or perhaps the videos i did play prior to the changes
were not as high quality as the ones i picked this time around?

while the system does use intel drm instead of modesetting which was
selected as default, none of these really fixed the issues I'm having
though. on top of that, now some of the youtube videos i'm playing via mpv
seems to be crashing X and taking me back to the xenodm login screen :(

On Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 11:38 AM David Trudgian <d...@trudgian.net> wrote:

> On 11/15/19 9:51 AM, Michael H wrote:
> > *laptop: thinkpad x230, i7 processor, 8G ram, intel hd 4000 gpu*
> > *New OpenBSD user with a fresh install.*
> I have a ThinkPad T430 which I'm now typing this on. It's an i5-3320m
> (vs your i7-3520m) with 12GB RAM and the same HD4000 class graphics, so
> it's pretty close.
> > My user account is created from the install process and has "staff"
> class -
> > though i haven't increased the datasize-cur, datasize-max for staff yet.
> > Additionally, apmd has been set to -A as suggested by the faq.
> Am no expert, having only installed OpenBSD for the first time recently,
> but played around with the staff settings when I couldn't use a browser
> or play video at all well. Started with some values in a blog post on
> the net from someone setting up a laptop, and ended up with:
>     :datasize-cur=8192M:\
>     :datasize-max=8192M:\
>     :maxproc-max=4096:\
>     :maxproc-cur=1024:\
>     :openfiles-max=32768:\
>     :openfiles-cur=16384:\
> I have also set the following systcl values:
>     # shared memory limits (browsers, etc.)
>     # max shared memory pages (*4096=8GB)
>     kern.shminfo.shmall=20971552
>     # max shared memory segment size (2GiB)
>     kern.shminfo.shmmax=2147483647
>     # max shared memory identifiers
>     kern.shminfo.shmmni=1024
>     # max shared memory segments per process
>     kern.shminfo.shmseg=1024
>     # Other
>     kern.maxproc=32768
>     kern.maxfiles=131072
>     kern.maxvnodes=262144
>     kern.bufcachepercent=50
> The large files numbers here are due to using syncthing, and (I'd guess)
> probably not generally advisable. The other stuff is quite likely to be
> inadvisable or just plain wrong (due to my inexperience), but it has
> given me a responsive system when using Firefox / Chromium, playing
> video etc.
> > *Is this an issue with the system somehow using the modesetting driver
> > instead of the inteldrm* *driver*? if so, why is that and how should i
> best
> > remedy this problem? I thought old thinkpads are generally fully
> supported
> > by OpenBSD?
> Although the login.conf and sysctl settings made the most difference for
> me, I do have a smoother experience using the intel driver than the
> modesetting one. It's especially noticable when playing video in
> Firefox, and dragging the browser window around on my XFCE desktop. The
> intel driver happily plays the video smoothly as the window moves
> around. The modesetting driver wouldn't do that for me.
> I have the following at /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/intel.conf
>     Section "Device"
>         Identifier "drm"
>         Driver "intel"
>         Option "TearFree" "true"
>     EndSection
> Hope some of this might be useful!
> Cheers,
> Dave Trudgian

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