Wanted to say thanks to everyone for your data points. I now have a bit more 
focused research.



> Hi,
> I am used DuckDNS with my OpenBSD system. It works fine for me.
> Mind you it is for Dynamic DNS updates , not a full blown DNS Server Solution.
>> On 2 Jan 2020, at 11:26 pm, Jay Hart <jh...@kevla.org> wrote:
>> Hey all, and Happy New Years!!!
>> I am currently using DYN.COM for DNS service. A few months back they changed 
>> there payment
>> methodology and I am now considering finding another solution. DYN charges 
>> me $5 US monthly so
>> its
>> not a huge financial burden. That said, if I could find a free service 
>> provider, all the better.
>> My only real requirement is they must be able to support OpenBSD based 
>> system.  Currently using
>> DDclient. It works fine, has been for years.
>> This would be for a residential connection.
>> Guess what I'm really looking for, from the list, is a OpenBSD friendly 
>> provider, and a brief
>> write up on how you are connected.  I've looked over a few sites but nothing 
>> stood out as being
>> OpenBSD friendly.
>> Thanks in Advance,
>> Jay

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