> On Jan 18, 2020, at 6:42 AM, Antoine Jacoutot <ajacou...@bsdfrog.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 11:24:22PM -0600, Eric Zylstra wrote:
>> OpenBSD 6.6 Generic.MP amd64
>> Stable.
>> I installed suricata using pkg_add.  Having trouble with starting it.
>> $ doas rcctl start suricata
>> …fails.  No informative fail message, though.
> Run rcctl in debug mode.

Notable that man rcctl(8) does not contain the word “debug”.  I had to do a web 
search to confirm the -d argument was what I needed to get debug output.

$ doas rcctl -d start suricata
doas (dixon@dixon.local.) password: 
doing _rc_parse_conf
doing _rc_quirks
suricata_flags empty, using default ><
doing _rc_parse_conf /var/run/rc.d/suricata
doing _rc_quirks
doing rc_check
doing rc_start
doing _rc_wait start
doing rc_check
Suricata 4.1.5
USAGE: /usr/local/bin/suricata [OPTIONS] [BPF FILTER]

        -c <path>                            : path to configuration file
        -T                                   : test configuration file (use 
with -c)
        -i <dev or ip>                       : run in pcap live mode
        -F <bpf filter file>                 : bpf filter file
        -r <path>                            : run in pcap file/offline mode
        -d <divert port>                     : run in inline ipfw divert mode
        -s <path>                            : path to signature file loaded in 
addition to suricata.yaml settings (optional)
        -S <path>                            : path to signature file loaded 
exclusively (optional)
        -l <dir>                             : default log directory
        -D                                   : run as daemon
        -k [all|none]                        : force checksum check (all) or 
disabled it (none)
        -V                                   : display Suricata version
        -v[v]                                : increase default Suricata 
        --list-app-layer-protos              : list supported app layer 
        --list-keywords[=all|csv|<kword>]    : list keywords implemented by the 
        --list-runmodes                      : list supported runmodes
        --runmode <runmode_id>               : specific runmode modification 
the engine should run.  The argument
                                               supplied should be the id for 
the runmode obtained by running
        --engine-analysis                    : print reports on analysis of 
different sections in the engine and exit.
                                               Please have a look at the conf 
parameter engine-analysis on what reports
                                               can be printed
        --pidfile <file>                     : write pid to this file
        --init-errors-fatal                  : enable fatal failure on 
signature init error
        --disable-detection                  : disable detection engine
        --dump-config                        : show the running configuration
        --build-info                         : display build information
        --pcap[=<dev>]                       : run in pcap mode, no value 
select interfaces from suricata.yaml
        --pcap-file-continuous               : when running in pcap mode with a 
directory, continue checking directory for pcaps until interrupted
        --pcap-file-delete                   : when running in replay mode (-r 
with directory or file), will delete pcap files that have been processed when 
        --pcap-buffer-size                   : size of the pcap buffer value 
from 0 - 2147483647
        --simulate-ips                       : force engine into IPS mode. 
Useful for QA
        --erf-in <path>                      : process an ERF file
        --unix-socket[=<file>]               : use unix socket to control 
suricata work
        --set name=value                     : set a configuration value

To run the engine with default configuration on interface eth0 with signature 
file "signatures.rules", run the command as:

/usr/local/bin/suricata -c suricata.yaml -s signatures.rules -i eth0 

doing _rc_rm_runfile

>> I’ve tried finding info in logs.  Nothing informative in suricata logs nor 
>> /var/log/messages.
>> $ doas /usr/local/bin/suricata -D
>> …succeeds.  It runs fine.  That is the same command in the 
>> /etc/rc.d/suricata.
>> Pointers?  Suggestions?  Specific details?
>> Thanks,
>> Eric Z
> -- 
> Antoine

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