On 2020-01-18 07:08, Eric Zylstra wrote:
On Jan 18, 2020, at 6:42 AM, Antoine Jacoutot <ajacou...@bsdfrog.org> wrote:

On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 11:24:22PM -0600, Eric Zylstra wrote:
OpenBSD 6.6 Generic.MP amd64

I installed suricata using pkg_add.  Having trouble with starting it.

$ doas rcctl start suricata
…fails.  No informative fail message, though.

Run rcctl in debug mode.

Notable that man rcctl(8) does not contain the word “debug”.  I had to
do a web search to confirm the -d argument was what I needed to get
debug output.


I use Suricata from Packages for a while now. No real changes to configs.
I don't use /etc/rc.d/suricata at all.

To START suricata in live mode -
Do this (as root):

#suricata -v -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -i em0 &

(please substitute your collection I/F as needed. Mine is em0 as in the example above)

Let that stew for a while but you can hit enter to get back to your prompt.

To STOP suricata: pgrep suricata and kill -9 the pid returned.

If I may add:
Be sure to keep an eye on your logs as they will grow beyond bounds (/var/logs/suricata/). I generate eve.json at about 6GB in size in about 10 days.


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