
I'm going to set vnetid 100 to tag VLAN and connect physical em0 to L3
switch "uplink" port (port 10 in my case) with "Tagged" mark.

# /etc/hostname.vlan100
description 'Untrusted'
inet lladdr
32:f6:02:c4:1A:88 vlandev em0 vnetid 100

Ports 1-3 on L3 switch will be used for IoT connection and marked as

Do you think will it be right?


On 2/5/2020 10:19 PM, Brian Brombacher wrote:
> The OP’s hostname.vlan* files never specify a vnetid.  I get an error trying 
> to configure and bring up the second vlan interface the same way without 
> vnetid specified.  Regardless of my error, the ifconfig(8) man page says 
> without vnetid specified, vlan tag 0 will be used.  You need to specify two 
> different vlan tags.
> All of that aside: VLANs don’t give you any more security.  If the client 
> host is on the same physical network as your two VLANs, the only thing 
> stopping them from jumping between VLANs would be physical devices (switches, 
> etc.) configured to prevent that.  From what I gathered, you don’t have this 
> level of control.  Therefore, you gain nothing by segmenting the networks 
> with VLANs.
> -Brian
>> On Feb 5, 2020, at 11:58 AM, Christian Weisgerber <> wrote:
>> On 2020-02-05, Janne Johansson <> wrote:
>>>> # /etc/hostname.vlan101
>>>> description 'WLAN attached untrusted hosts'
>>>> inet vlandev run0
>>> VLANs and wifi sounds like a non-starter.
>> Yep, if you're building your access point with OpenBSD.
>> More generally, though, any AP in the business segment has support
>> for multiple SSIDs that can be assigned to different VLANs on the
>> Ethernet side.
>> -- 
>> Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                

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