To sum up:
It helped by recompile and reinstall xterm.
But only for
a) newly started xterm's
b) the xterm where the recompile/reinstall was run
I don't remember if I was running stable or current at
the time.


On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 07:46:35AM +0100, NilsOla Nilsson wrote:
> We had the same problem in this thread:
> It is working fine for me now, so I can't reproduce it.
> /NilsOla
> On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 06:03:53AM +0000, Xianwen Chen (陈贤文) wrote:
> > Dear Ingo,
> > 
> > Danke!
> > 
> > On 2/19/20, Ingo Schwarze <> wrote:
> > > Just to make sure it worked, could you please show the output of:
> > >
> > >    $ setxkbmap -query
> > 
> > The output is:
> > 
> > rules:      base
> > model:      pc105
> > layout:     us
> > variant:    dvp
> > options:    compose:ralt
> > 
> > > What exactly do you mean by "not able to use"?
> > > If, while xterm is in focus, you press and relese the compose key,
> > > then press and release the first key, then press and release the
> > > second key, then press and release some latin letter key, what
> > > exactly happens after each step?
> > 
> > To type for example ø, I press and release the compose key, then press
> > and release the / key, and then press and release the o key. I get
> > /o
> > on xterm, but ø on firefox.
> > 
> > > Guessing blindly, the problem might be that while firefox finds a font
> > > to display the character, xterm does not.  Or that you have changed
> > > your xterm configuration in some way that disables UTF-8 (it is on
> > > by default).  Can you please retry in xterm with a different character
> > > that can be displayed in xterm out of the box, say U+00E5 LATIN
> > > SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE?  What happens if you type and release
> > > ralt, then a, then a, then x?
> > 
> > xterm can display å too, when I copies it using shift+insert from
> > firefox or other places.
> > 
> > xterm can display ø when I copies it using shift+insert from firefox
> > or other places.
> > 
> > > If none of the above lets you solve your problem yet, what does the
> > > following command say:
> > >
> > >   $ xterm -report-xres
> > >
> > > In an xterm started that way, does the compose key work?
> > > Both with the character you want and with U+00E5 A RING?
> > 
> > Ugh. xterm says:
> > 
> > xterm: bad command line option "-report-xres"
> > 
> > I forgot to report maybe an important piece of information. I use scim
> > to type in Chinese. I use the default xdm. Here is my .xsession:
> > 
> > export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
> > 
> > export XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM
> > export GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"
> > export QT_IM_MODULE="scim"
> > scim -d
> > 
> > setxkbmap -layout us -variant dvp -option compose:ralt
> > 
> > exec dbus-launch /usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm
> > 
> > I was going to ask my questions one by one so that I will not flood
> > the email list with all my questions. But the scim question is the
> > following.
> > 
> > Quite the opposite of my compose key problem, I am not able to
> > activate scim (by ctrl + space) on normal GUI programs (firefox,
> > libreoffice, xpdf, keepassxc, emacs-gtk etc).
> > 
> > But but but, I am able to activate scim on xterm and type Chinese there.
> > 
> > So I have actually been typing æ, ø, å in firefox and copy back to
> > xterm and typing Chinese using scim on xterm and copy back to firefox
> > / libreoffice for like more than half a year.... I had this problem on
> > OpenBSD 6.5 too (I was using OpenBSD like 10 years ago for some time
> > and also in between in the past ten years. I went back, last year, to
> > OpenBSD... Was using NetBSD even longer time ago and started using
> > unix-like system around 2001 or 2002)..... But I did not have this
> > type of scim / compose key problems on Debian, NixOS, Arch Linux, or
> > Void Linux, which are the Linux distributions that I used in the
> > recent years.
> > 
> > Good morning, by the way!
> > 
> > Yours sincerely,
> > Xianwen
> -- 
> Nils Ola Nilsson, 🐞 email, tel +46-70-374 69 89

Nils Ola Nilsson, 🐞 email, tel +46-70-374 69 89

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