Dear Nils Ola, Ingo, and other OpenBSD users,

Tusen takk!

>> > I forgot to report maybe an important piece of information. I use scim
>> > to type in Chinese. I use the default xdm. Here is my .xsession:
>> > 
>> > export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
>> > 
>> > export XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM
>> > export GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"
>> > export QT_IM_MODULE="scim"
>> > scim -d
>> > 
>> > setxkbmap -layout us -variant dvp -option compose:ralt
>> > 
>> > exec dbus-launch /usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm
>> > 
>> > I was going to ask my questions one by one so that I will not flood
>> > the email list with all my questions. But the scim question is the
>> > following.
>> > 
>> > Quite the opposite of my compose key problem, I am not able to
>> > activate scim (by ctrl + space) on normal GUI programs (firefox,
>> > libreoffice, xpdf, keepassxc, emacs-gtk etc).
>> > 
>> > But but but, I am able to activate scim on xterm and type Chinese there.

I have not yet tried to recompile xterm.

I played around with my .xsession file. I found out that if I do not run
scim -d
, I will be able to type Norwegian accents on xterm. The settings of
XMODIFIERS, GTK_IM_MODULE, or QT_IM_MODULE did not impact this.

This means that the culprit is **scim**.

Could other **scim** users of OpenBSD share your experiences? Could you
use **scim** without a problem?

Yours sincerely,

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