On Wed, 4 Mar 2020 at 01:06, <whistlez...@riseup.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> in the following message:
> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=158110613210895&w=2
> Theo discourages to use unveil instead of chroot.
> I asked if he suggests the same for the browser but he asked that chroot
> is onlye for *root*.
> Then what should I do to hardening the most exposed piece of code that
> we use everyday ?
> Now I'm using unveil+chrome...
> Thank you.

Probably not what you were looking for but, back in the days when I
was ultra paranoid about my web browsing, I used to use stripped down
live usb installations of Linux distros (DSL was one of them that I
remember). I ignore if OpenBSD comes with such a solution out the box,
but I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to make your own read-only
install. Then, you could either reboot from it or run it through an

Ottavio Caruso

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