you  think proprietary softwatre is secure as much as linux loves being

I had hoped you guys had better self respect, and had some moral
integrity within. 

And if you think i sound sad for dissing GNU, I was going to hold this
back, but your fucking attitudes are shit as are your attempts to  block
software that could be useful just because you get into an argument with
people. (Palemoon) :P

Same with wine! 

Please by all means get me off your damn list.  You guys are as bad as
the linux organization. 

and while your all at it, since your unwilling to understand the truth
that proprietary software sucks, just go wank yourselves somewhere. 

I really don't care about  being on this list anymore.  You guys are
fucking heartless.  That's a fact.

And Theo, if I said anything nice about you, please forget I said
anything.  I don't take kindly to hostile assholes who refuse to be civil. 

Sigh... I guess trying to praise you for the good you guys do is just
not constructive.  I see you guys live in a bubble of your own choosing.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeee proprietary software totally doesn't have any flaws or
weaknesses!  GNU has the right to be shit, same with Linux! and BSD can
refuse software that could otherwise benefit their users just because it
has a license you hate! GOD damn....

Smell you later assholes.

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