"zap" <zap...@disroot.org> wrote:
> Also, by all means, please do ban me if you want.

Me's never seen anyone on the list outright banned... However, replies
to at least one thread have been (and are perhaps still being) filtered
out. That thread involved a {loonie,troll} excessively cross-posting
rather explosive allegations (waaaay worse than your outburst). 

Medoesn't really agree w/ the filtering, though meunderstands it.

> I really couldn't care
> less.  you guys need to get off your own pedestal.

Yeah well, lots of humans put themselves on pedestals... that's far from
unique to the OpenBSD project.

Again, please calm down. Even if theo & co. can't be nice, *we* can be
nice and thus make things nicer for everyone.

Take care,


Friggin' Machines!

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