Hi Andras,

Andras Farkas wrote on Tue, May 19, 2020 at 05:26:24PM -0400:
> On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 2:59 PM Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de> wrote:

>> Can somebody work through the tutorial and confirm that everything
>> still works as described with our -current vi(1)?  It is too
>> wordy for my personal taste, so i would hate having to read it all.

> I can do this.  I'll begin sometime this week, and send a report on
> it, and a diff too if necessary.  I'd love to see it included.
> :D

Good, i'll just wait for your results.

> In general: man pages are reference material


> (meant for people who are already familiar with unix or with the man
> page's topic,

I disagree with your definition of "reference manual".  A reference
manual is simply documentation of a tool that is complete, precise,
concise, and organized according to the inner logic of the tool.
Whether the reader is already familiar with the topic has nothing
to do with it.  Which preliminary knowledge is already needed to
even start contemplating a topic has nothing to do with it either.
You can't use the vi(1) tutorial either unless you already know what
these terms refer to: a directory, a file, a text file, a shell, ...

When i want to learn about a completely new tool, i usually strongly
prefer a good reference manual over a good user manual (i.e. an
incomplete manual trying to use simplified terms and to provide
simplified but longer explanations, organized according to didactial
considerations) over a good tutotial (and often i even prefer a
mediocre reference manual over good documentation of any other
kind).  In user manuals and tutorials, i rarely read more than the
section titles.  Reading those titles is occasionally useful to
understand what the software authors consider most relevant for
beginners.  Reading substantial amounts of text in a user manual
or tutorial usually feels like a waste of time to me.  If i need
the tool just once, there is just too much text in non-reference
documentation, and the relevant bits are harder to find.  If i
potentially want to use the tool often, sooner or later, i have to
read the reference manual anyway, so again no point to additionally
read user manuals or tutorials, which are often longer.  (I realise
this in part involves personal learning style, people who like
tutorials and user manuals do exist, but i guess they are less
common among OpenBSD users than elsewhere.)

> often not meant to be read cover to cover,

Most of our reference manuals = manual pages are well suited to
being read from cover to cover, and using them that way is definitely
encouraged.  There are some rare exceptions, though, for example
perlfunc(1) and openssl(1).  (To avoid misunderstanding, of course
they are also well-suited to looking up particular details you
aren't sure you remember correctly.)

> definitely doesn't hold your hand)

When needed, they most definitely do hand-holding.
For example, look at


Often, hand-holding just wouldn't be useful:


> a considerable amount of the documentation (though certainly not all!)
> in /usr/src is tutorial material (meant for learning something for the
> first time, easily read cover to cover, holds your hand) usable by newbs.

If they are correct and work with the current code, tutorials are
appropriate for installation in /usr/share/doc/ - like the mg(1)
tutorial which is already installed there.  Completeness is irrelevant
for tutorials.

If there are few tutorials there, that's likely because OpenBSD
developers were less eager to spend time on them than they were
about spending time elsewhere, and nobody else jumped in either.

We don't want user manuals in OpenBSD because we can't afford the
extra maintenance effort.  Even for a bloody beginner, an outdated
or inaccurate user manual is much worse than a good reference manual.


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