On 2020-06-10 4:29 p.m., Tom Smyth wrote:
Hi George,
a reboot on a serial console is probably due to the serial console speeds
miss matching, between your
console client and the console on the guest.

make sure you are setting the console speed / parity, etc also

this issue happens frequently also when booting the  PC Engines board where
the bios runs at 115200 baud , N 8 1
and then the OpenBSD Console changes to 9600 N 8 1 during boot (defaults on
installxx.fs / installxx.img

hope this helps
Tom Smyth

Thanks Tom! I agree I have seen this reboot behavior on apu's and a soekris device(s), but I am setting the rate properly or so I believe anyway. The trick with the install on APU's is to set the baud rate at install time along with the console port:

stty com0 19200
set tty com0

Here though I have preinstalled and pre-build the OS and updated the GRUB config to use the console to send boot and other messages unfortunately apparently not really ...

On Wed, 10 Jun 2020 at 21:01, George <g.lis...@nodeunit.com> wrote:

Hi guys,

I apologize if this maybe out of topic even though it is truly related
to VMM than Debian.

I am trying to setup a VMM Debian based guest but I'm not able to get it
to work. I found some description on the web about which settings to
edit in grub.cfg to enable the serial console and created a VM with 10.3
in qcow2 disk format in KVM. Now I am trying to start the same on
OpenBSD 6.7 but keep getting the connected message and then just
"Rebooting " after I hit some keyboard keys seems like baud rate issue
but not sure.

After messing with it for a while now I am getting a new error:

vmctl: could not open disk image(s)

even thought the disk is there and readable to the user I have setup in
vm.conf in fact I have another VM with the same configuration and disk
with the same permissions and in the same location that works (it is
OpenBSD based).

I would greatly appreciate it if someone has gone this path and can
share some config info with me.

Cheers and thanks in advance,


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