On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 09:12:08PM -0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> This is already a problem when pkg_add fetches the directory listing
> (though a smaller one because the filenames don't change as often).
> Firstly the contents of the mirror can change during the pkg_add run
> so the listing becomes invalid, that can happen on any mirror.
> Secondly if the mirror involves a cache (CDNs) they will often cache
> the directory listing as an object - the other files in the directory
> can be out of sync with regard to the served index page. As the index is
> not too big and is hit on every pkg_add run against that mirror, it's
> highly likely to be cached, more so than probably anything else in the
> directory except the quirks package.

Yes, I've run into this one as well.   One more reason to hate CDNs

I have on my list to check about ignoring the index in some cases.
Namely: packages have the actual names of the dependencies they were built
against built-in.  It should be possible and not that hard to try grabbing
that package, even if it didn't appear in the index, if it appears to be
more recent than what the index says.

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