
on my Lenovo V130 I've to build a custom kernel without radeondrm and amdgpu.


The modified efiboot.c, see https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=159401011632149&w=2, doesnt work on this machine.

Best regards,

On 10/9/20 9:32 PM, Kastus Shchuka wrote:
On Fri, Oct 09, 2020 at 03:37:37PM +0400, Michel von Behr wrote:
Hi all,
I'm trying to run snapshot on a Chuwi Lapbook laptop (Intel Gemini Lake),
but I get stuck at boot time with the message "entry point at: 0x1001000".
Based on previous discussions [1] it looks like the problem is with
For now I'll be running -stable, but I would like to follow -current. Is
there a way to run -current with an old version of BOOTX64.EFI for example?
(i.e., the only alternatives I'm seeing is either 1) compiling a GENERIC
kernel with the older version of BOOTX64.EFI src, or 2) (try to) compile a
custom/smaller kernel to avoid the issue).

[1] https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=159147446008114&w=2

Any pointing to the right direction is welcome.

I had the same problem with EFI on ASRock J4105M system, essentially failing
to boot a kernel larger than certain size. I posted my solution here:


I guess the patch requires more testing before asking for it to be



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