Many new software for ' reason ' think STDOUT is a logging interface.

Of course level may become complex , and nothing stops the new * no comment *

The prometheus package just uses the nice rcctl tool to daemonize and pipe
to logger , fixing level to info : Production ready !
(I'm poking around this because I am integrating VictoriaMetrics.)

Fun fact none of them follow the SD_* tag to level the log, prometheus
is doing heroku style log , Victoria something similar, no info on
actual level ...

I first though logger could be made SD_* compliant and did it , but those
go program don't even follow that ( they probably more upstart friendly )

I can send that patch , on -d it reads stdin but look for the <x> and
change level.

Logger is so basic , i fear any change would never made it into base
So i thought about a perl script , as perl is in base, like so:

# ls -l  /usr/local/share/examples/prometheus/
-rwxr--r--  1 _prometheus  wheel  246 Oct 19 17:35
# cat /usr/local/share/examples/prometheus/
use Sys::Syslog qw(:standard :macros);
openlog("prometheus", "pid", "daemon");

while (my $l = <>) {
  $l =~ /level=(\w+)/;
  my $ll = $1 ? $1 : "info";
  $ll = ($ll eq "warn") ? "warning" : $ll;
  syslog($ll, $l);


and then the rc.start is like this :
rc_start() {
        ${rcexec} "${daemon} ${daemon_flags} < /dev/null 2>&1 | \

I tried to inline the perl but it's just almost impossible to \ all
the $" etc..  correctly.

Maybe logger could have a -d hero and a -d sd to do that job, or it
just kept package base,
or a similar perl logger could be added so it shared for those new log
" method "
( I know ttyd is like that too )

I Hope to get some positive feedback on how to manage those log ,
and on pushing that for the package or going down the logger road


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