‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Friday, December 18, 2020 6:13 PM, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> 

> And if it's anything like when I try it, you'll see some TCP connections
> failing when it is active too. Not everything fails. but e.g. if I have
> "set syncookies always" on a router, and run "ftp -o- 
> http://www.facebook.com/";
> from a machine behind it, it fails every time (it appears to connect
> immediately, but of course that's just syncookies - I never get a response
> after making a request over it until I disblae syncookies again).
> In that case where syncookies are active but things are failing I see
> PROXY and SYN_SENT states in pfctl -ss e.g.
> all tcp <- PROXY:DST
> all tcp -> SYN_SENT:CLOSED
> So I strongly recommend trying it with 'always' and see if things are
> broken for you. Otherwise if you set 'adaptive' you may get an unpleasant
> surprise sometime maybe much later when they do actually trigger.

Thanks for the tip. I just tried it on my OpenSD 6.7 firewall at home and 
exactly as you say I can't connect to facebook.com anymore (same for 
instagram.com). This is really weird, do you have any idea why? Is it a bug in 
the implementation of syncookies in OpenBSD or facebook.com doing weird things 
with TCP?

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