
This is a question to the mail administrator.  What happened on Friday Oct. 9th 
of this year on the Internet?  Now I don't want you to overly worry because I'm
just going through my logs and there is a small story to tell, and besides it
could have happened on the Internet and had no relation to openbsd's network.

The story is, that I log time to lives (TTL) with a setsockopt() on my logging
DNS server.  Whenever mail.openbsd.org sends a mail it does not ask its cache
but does a dns query every time.  This is a great beacon on the Internet (at
least for me) it tells something of the dedication openbsd has for delivering
the mail from the mailing lists.

I did a bit of analysing of my logs and found this:

$ grep /var/log/delphinusdnsd | awk '{print $1 " " " " $14; }' | 
sort -u | tr '\n' ' ' && echo
Dec  (ttl=48, Dec  (ttl=49, Dec  (ttl=50, Nov  (ttl=48, Nov  (ttl=49, Nov  
(ttl=50, Oct  (ttl=43, Oct  (ttl=48, Oct  (ttl=49, Oct  (ttl=50, Sep  (ttl=48, 
Sep  (ttl=49, Sep  (ttl=50,

As you can see the TTL's are 48, 49, and 50 when they reach my network.  Except
October 9, here the TTL has a 43 with it.  Here is a sample log:

Oct  9 03:19:44 parallax delphinusdnsd[29829]: request on descriptor 10 interfac
e "" from (ttl=43, region=1, tta=0.453ms) for "mai
l.centroid.eu." type=A(1) class=1, edns0, dnssecok, answering "mail.centroid.eu.
" (45/168)

It was early in the morning for me, I missed it completely because I don't
systematically search my logs.  Only when I'm bored do I look through this.

The hop count increased by 5 hops, it could have been a BGP blip perhaps?
Perhaps it was maintenance on my providers network who knows, I don't know.  
All I know is that according to my logs it was between 3:19:43 and 3:19:45 
CEST timezone on that day, I queried both my auth nameservers for this.  
Could it have been another operator on the Internet rerouting something?  I 
searched a little in the openbsd archives there was no maintenance announced, 
it was a boring Thursday/Friday night, roughly nine days before 6.8 release 

Maybe it was just a network blip.  But maybe OpenBSD sysadmins saw something?

Other than this funny mail, I want to wish everyone a happy solstice tomorrow,
I wish you seasons greetings and merry christmas and happy new year 2021!

Stay healthy before we beat this global pandemic!

Best Regards,

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