Run the installer as usual, then once that has finished:

umount /mnt2 (this is where the install sets are)

remove installer usb drive and insert usb drive with the firmware

mount /dev/sd1a (or sd1i if using vfat) /mnt2

cp /mnt2/iwn-firmware-version.tgz /mnt/root

chroot /mnt

pkg_add /root/iwn-firmware-version.tgz



On 16/11/2021 12:34, Luca Ferrari wrote:
Hi all,
I'm installing OpenBSD 7.0 on a Lenovo Thinkpad T410, and I need the
firmware iwn-firmware-5.11p1.tgz for the wireless card.
Therefore, I opened a shell from the installer, mounted the USB stick
I placed the downloaded firmware on, and now I'm stuck: I cannot
install it because pkg_add is not available, as well as I cannot
extract it to /etc/firmware.
How to proceed from here?

Note: I can solve installing the system without networking and then
add the firmware later on, but I would understand how to do it within
the installation process.


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