On 17/11/2021 08:29, Luca Ferrari wrote:
On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 3:03 PM Noth <nothingn...@citycable.ch> wrote:
Run the installer as usual, then once that has finished:

umount /mnt2 (this is where the install sets are)

remove installer usb drive and insert usb drive with the firmware

mount /dev/sd1a (or sd1i if using vfat) /mnt2

cp /mnt2/iwn-firmware-version.tgz /mnt/root

chroot /mnt

pkg_add /root/iwn-firmware-version.tgz


Thanks, however, if I have to install the drivers and reboot, it does
make more sense to me to reboot and install the driver then.
I was searching for a method to add the driver at the beginning of the
Nevermind, problem solved.


I think you might want to check out the release(8) manpage. Build a release, add the firmware into the $RELEASEDIR before the sh checkflist step or possibly the make release one (I haven't tried this) and complete the creation of the installation images. Worth doing in a VM for ease of use.

Good luck!


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