
jwinnie@tilde.institute wrote on Sat, Nov 27, 2021 at 04:34:48PM -0500:

> I am wondering if there are plans to change the
> default window manager in OpenBSD.

No, i don't think there is any interest.

Experience taught us that importing additional code into the base
sytem is a bad idea unless at least one developer is actively
working on it and unless there is a real need.

Apart from a very small group sporadically working on cwm(1),
i'm not aware of any OpenBSD developer working on a window
manager, so your suggestion fails the first test.

Even though it is low-quality code, the dafault fvwm(1) just works.
Besides, you can trivially install whatever window manager you like
using packages.  So your suggestion fails the second test, too.


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