jwinnie@tilde.institute said on Sat, 27 Nov 2021 16:34:48 -0500

>Hello OpenBSD users and devs,
>I am wondering if there are plans to change the
>default window manager in OpenBSD.
>Currently, the default WM is fvwm, 

The only thing wrong with fvwm is it ships with such tiny fonts I can't
read enough to change the font size. But only people with bad vision
have this problem. And if I really wanted fvwm, I'd just have a person
with good vision change the font, then I'd do the rest.

> with cwm and
>openbox available as alternatives. However, none
>of these are particularly user-friendly, simple,
>or modern, 

Modern doesn't matter except to Apple customers. fvwm and Openbox are
as simple as it gets. With fvwm and Openbox, you can add dmenu from
suckless tools (or compile it if there's no package, it's a trivial
compile), link it to a hotkey, and you can run all your programs from
your keyboard.



If you want to make a menu that runs whole commands with arguments,
including prompted argument substitution, check out UMENU2:


UMENU2 is like a keyboard-only start button menu, except installing a
program doesn't automatically put it in UMENU2.

I've been using Openbox with dmenu and UMENU2 for about 6 years now.
It's simple, fast, resource-friendly, and user friendly.

> and I think it might be advisable to
>use a better default here.
>Some things which might be wanted:
>* Using xcb instead of xlib, since xcb is faster
>  and supposedly better
>* Dynamic virtual desktops
>* Tiling (dynamic or manual)
>* Decent window decorations
>* Can be controlled with both the pointer and the
>  keyboard
>* Simple, minimal configuration that fits with the
>  rest of OpenBSD

>What do you think?

I'd leave well enough alone.


Steve Litt 
Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
Technologist http://www.troubleshooters.com/techniques

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