On 3/10/06, Rod.. Whitworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree with those who have said that this thread is very largely a
> waste of time with lots of talk and little action coming from it apart
> from the few overt contributions to the "power bill" fund. Thanks to
> those people.
> For those of you who haven't thought of a way to contribute more than
> your personal $$ or those of your own business, how about what I am
> doing.
> I am writing personalised letters to businesses where I have  used any
> OpenBSD technology informing them that my bills have not included a
> charge for OpenBSD/OpenSSH etc (as it applies to their business).

Along those lines I'm drafting a letter to our CIO and other PHBs
around the company.  I'll most likely be able to get a donation to
OpenSSH since we use it on Linux, HP boxes, Cisco stuff, OS X, etc.

Any chance a donations link could be added to openssh.org?


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