On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 02:50:29PM -0500, rea...@catastrophe.net wrote:
> Ok, please see the following. The card is cleared of its monitor config then
> put onto channel 132 in debug mode.
> # ifconfig iwm0 -chan
> # ifconfig iwm0 -mediaopt monitor
> # ifconfig iwm0
> iwm0: flags=8806<BROADCAST,DEBUG,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>         lladdr 80:19:34:ab:ab:ab
>         index 5 priority 4 llprio 3
>         groups: wlan
>         media: IEEE802.11 autoselect mode 11n (HT-MCS0 mode 11n)
>         status: no network
>         ieee80211: nwid ""
> # ifconfig iwm0 chan 132
> # ifconfig iwm0 debug
> # ifconfig iwm0
>       lladdr 80:19:34:ab:ab:ab
>       index 5 priority 4 llprio 3
>       groups: wlan
>       media: IEEE802.11 autoselect mode 11n (HT-MCS0 mode 11n)
>       status: no network
>       ieee80211: nwid "" chan 132
> # date      
> Mar 15 14:39:48 CDT 2022
> # tail -f /var/log/messages
> Mar 15 14:39:50 admiralty /bsd: iwm0: SCAN -> SCAN
> Mar 15 14:39:54 admiralty /bsd: iwm0: end passive scan
> Mar 15 14:39:54 admiralty /bsd: iwm0: - 04:d4:c4:XX:ab:24   44!  +12 54M   
> ess  privacy!   no  "FOREIGN-NET-A"!
> Mar 15 14:39:54 admiralty /bsd: iwm0: - 3c:28:6d:XX:6d:dc   11!  +14 54M   
> ess  privacy!   no  "FOREIGN-NET-B"!
> Mar 15 14:39:54 admiralty /bsd: iwm0: - 3c:7c:3f:XX:99:a8    6!  +12 54M   
> ess  privacy!   no  "FOREIGN-NET-C"!
> Mar 15 14:39:54 admiralty /bsd: iwm0: - 60:45:cb:XX:99:c0    9!  +22 54M   
> ess  privacy!   no  "GJMD"!
> Mar 15 14:39:54 admiralty /bsd: iwm0: - 60:45:cb:XX:99:c4  165!  +24 54M   
> ess  privacy!   no  "GJMD_5G"!
> Mar 15 14:39:54 admiralty /bsd: iwm0: - 6a:db:f5:XX:c9:2e  165!  +29 54M   
> ess  privacy!   no  "DIRECT-As-FireTV_1353"!
> Mar 15 14:39:54 admiralty /bsd: iwm0: - 6c:70:9f:AA:BB:CC    1!  +11 54M   
> ess  privacy!   no  "WIFI-NET"!
> Mar 15 14:39:54 admiralty /bsd: iwm0: - 70:4f:57:XX:0d:b3    9!  +16 54M   
> ess  privacy!   no  "Taffi"!
> Mar 15 14:39:54 admiralty /bsd: iwm0: - fc:15:b4:XX:78:1f   11!  +25 54M   
> ess  privacy!   no  "HP-Print-1F-ENVY 5530 series"!
> Mar 15 14:39:54 admiralty /bsd: iwm0: SCAN -> SCAN
> Only WIFI-NET still comes in the scan results on channel 1. While I do see
> foreign networks on 5Ghz channels, nothing shows for the ssid WIFI-NET-5G
> A linux machine connected to WIFI-NET-5G shows:
> linux$ iwconfig wlan0
> wlan0     IEEE 802.11  ESSID:"WIFI-NET-5G"
>           Mode:Managed  Frequency:5.66 GHz  Access Point: 6C:70:9F:AA:BB:CD
>           Bit Rate=195 Mb/s   Tx-Power=31 dBm   
>           Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
>           Power Management:on
>           Link Quality=41/70  Signal level=-69 dBm 
>           Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
>           Tx excessive retries:37  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0
> linux$ iwlist wlan0 channel | grep Current
>           Current Frequency:5.66 GHz (Channel 132)

Looks like a firwmare or driver issue to me.

Sorry, without having a reproducible test case in front of me, there
is nothing I could do fix this from afar.
You could try moving the AP to a different channel as a workaround.

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