On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 12:23:45PM -0500, rea...@catastrophe.net wrote:
> The setup is two gateways with IPsec channels setup in tunnel mode
> to bridge networks and Traffic from 
> server-east:enc0 does not match a SA in place when trying to connect to
> httpd on server-west.
> Setup in ASCII art:
> em0: -~-~- ipsec tunnel -~-~-~- vio0:
>  | SERVER-WEST |                             | SERVER-EAST |
> enc0:                        enc0:
> When traffic sources from to server-west's httpd, the initial
> SYN goes out and does not match the ipsec SA in place:
> flow esp out from to peer srcid
> FQDN/server-east.example.com dstid FQDN/server-west.example.com type require
> However, return traffic on server-west matches an SA already in place and is
> sent back over the tunnel to server-east. Here is a pcap from server-west
> showing the initial connection; the second packet is the response from
> server-west to server-east over the tunnel, etc.
> 11:15:07.595477 > SWE 
> 466527235:466527235(0) win 16384 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK,nop,wscale 
> 6,nop,nop,timestamp 3005156378 0> (DF)
> 11:15:07.641673 > esp spi 0x5787a1ca seq 1 len 80 
> (DF)
> 11:15:07.641901 > esp spi 0x9a987eb3 seq 1 len 76
> 11:15:11.959583 > SWE 
> 321626718:321626718(0) win 16384 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK,nop,wscale 
> 6,nop,nop,timestamp 891794631 0> (DF)
> 11:15:12.005730 > esp spi 0x5787a1ca seq 2 len 80 
> (DF)
> The SA being match on server-west is:
> esp tunnel from to spi 0x5787a1ca enc aes-256-gcm
> Is something missing in my configs or does anything look obviously broken?

It looks like synproxy in your pf.conf might be the problem.
You could try adding a "from to" flow to your
iked config and see if that catches the initial syn or remove the synproxy
option in pf to test how that works.

> Many thanks in advance for any help.
> ========
> # server-west pf
> match in all scrub (no-df random-id max-mss 1440)
> match out on em0 inet from to any nat-to (em0) round-robin
> block drop in log on ! em0 inet from to any
> block drop log all
> pass out proto tcp all modulate state
> pass out proto udp from any to any port = 500
> pass out proto udp from any to any port = 4500
> pass out proto esp all
> pass out proto ah all
> pass out all modulate state
> block drop in log from urpf-failed to any label "uRPF"
> block drop in log from no-route to any
> pass in proto udp from any to port = 500 keep state
> pass in proto udp from any to port = 4500 keep state
> pass in proto esp from any to 
> pass in proto ah from any to
> pass in inet proto tcp from any to port = 80 flags S/SA synproxy 
> state (source-track rule, max-src-conn 256, max-src-conn-rate 40/2, overload 
> <abusive> flush, src.track 2)
> pass in inet proto tcp from to port = 5201 flags S/SA
> # server-east pf
> match in all scrub (no-df random-id max-mss 1440)
> match out on vio0 inet from to any nat-to (vio0) round-robin
> block drop in log on ! vio0 inet from to any
> block drop log all
> pass out proto tcp all modulate state
> pass out proto udp from any to any port = 500
> pass out proto udp from any to any port = 4500
> pass out proto esp all
> pass out proto ah all
> pass out all modulate state
> block drop in log from urpf-failed to any label "uRPF"
> block drop in log from no-route to any
> pass in inet proto udp from any to port = 500 keep state
> pass in inet proto udp from any to port = 4500 keep state
> pass in inet proto esp from any to
> pass in inet proto ah from any to
> pass on enc0 all flags S/SA modulate state (if-bound) tagged VPN.SERVER-WEST
> pass on enc0 all flags S/SA modulate state (if-bound)
> pass in inet proto tcp from any to port = 80 flags S/SA synproxy 
> state (source-track rule, max-src-conn 256, max-src-conn-rate 40/2, overload 
> <abusive> flush, src.track 2)
> pass in inet proto tcp from to port = 5201 flags S/SA
> ===========
> # server-west flows
> flow esp in from to peer srcid 
> FQDN/server-west.example.com dstid FQDN/server-east.example.com type require
> flow esp in from to peer srcid 
> FQDN/server-west.example.com dstid FQDN/server-east.example.com type require
> flow esp out from to peer srcid 
> FQDN/server-west.example.com dstid FQDN/server-east.example.com type require
> flow esp out from to peer srcid 
> FQDN/server-west.example.com dstid FQDN/server-east.example.com type require
> SAD:
> esp tunnel from to spi 0x5787a1ca enc aes-256-gcm
> esp tunnel from to spi 0x9a987eb3 enc aes-256-gcm
> # server-east flows
> flow esp in from to peer srcid 
> FQDN/server-east.example.com dstid FQDN/server-west.example.com type require
> flow esp in from to peer srcid 
> FQDN/server-east.example.com dstid FQDN/server-west.example.com type require
> flow esp out from to peer srcid 
> FQDN/server-east.example.com dstid FQDN/server-west.example.com type require
> flow esp out from to peer srcid 
> FQDN/server-east.example.com dstid FQDN/server-west.example.com type require
> SAD:
> esp tunnel from to spi 0x5787a1ca enc aes-256-gcm
> esp tunnel from to spi 0x9a987eb3 enc aes-256-gcm
> ===========
> # server-west `iked -dvv`
> create_ike: using unknown for peer server-east.example.com
> ikev2 "SERVER-EAST_INET4_NETS" active tunnel esp inet from to 
> from to local peer 
> ikesa enc aes-256-gcm-12 prf hmac-sha2-512 group ecp521 childsa 
> enc aes-256-gcm group ecp521 esn noesn srcid server-west.example.com dstid 
> server-east.example.com lifetime 14400 bytes 4294967296 psk 
> 0x4935535056446657336c2f4643625779364c7075414b764f526a4146545a763332562b79787058657a78454e314d6b34737a6c53434b3863522f3564686b68486443534369445145694d6a756b6f646153654f594c766755427479664c495550
>  tag "VPN.ORD"
> /etc/iked.conf: loaded 1 configuration rules
> ca_privkey_serialize: type RSA_KEY length 1192
> ca_pubkey_serialize: type RSA_KEY length 270
> ca_privkey_to_method: type RSA_KEY method RSA_SIG
> ca_getkey: received private key type RSA_KEY length 1192
> ca_getkey: received public key type RSA_KEY length 270
> ca_dispatch_parent: config reset
> ca_reload: loaded cert file server-west.example.com.crt
> ca_validate_cert: 
> /C=XX/ST=XXXXXXX/L=XXXXX/O=ANYORG/OU=NA/CN=server-west.example.com/emailAddress=r...@example.com
>  unable to get local issuer certificate
> ca_reload: local cert type RSA_KEY
> config_getocsp: ocsp_url none tolerate 0 maxage -1
> ikev2_dispatch_cert: updated local CERTREQ type RSA_KEY length 0
> config_getpolicy: received policy
> config_getpfkey: received pfkey fd 3
> config_getcompile: compilation done
> config_getsocket: received socket fd 4
> config_getsocket: received socket fd 5
> config_getsocket: received socket fd 6
> config_getsocket: received socket fd 7
> config_getstatic: dpd_check_interval 60
> config_getstatic: no enforcesingleikesa
> config_getstatic: no fragmentation
> config_getstatic: mobike
> config_getstatic: nattport 4500
> config_getstatic: no stickyaddress
> policy_lookup: setting policy 'SERVER-EAST_INET4_NETS'
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: recv IKE_SA_INIT req 0 peer local 
>, 314 bytes, policy 'SERVER-EAST_INET4_NETS'
> ikev2_recv: ispi 0x128173a042dfdc03 rspi 0x0000000000000000
> ikev2_policy2id: srcid FQDN/server-west.example.com length 23
> ikev2_pld_parse: header ispi 0x128173a042dfdc03 rspi 0x0000000000000000 
> nextpayload SA version 0x20 exchange IKE_SA_INIT flags 0x08 msgid 0 length 
> 314 response 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload SA nextpayload KE critical 0x00 length 40
> ikev2_pld_sa: more 0 reserved 0 length 36 proposal #1 protoid IKE spisize 0 
> xforms 3 spi 0
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 12 type ENCR id AES_GCM_12
> ikev2_pld_attr: attribute type KEY_LENGTH length 256 total 4
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type DH id ECP_521
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type PRF id HMAC_SHA2_512
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload KE nextpayload NONCE critical 0x00 length 140
> ikev2_pld_ke: dh group ECP_521 reserved 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NONCE nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 36
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 28
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP
> ikev2_nat_detection: peer source 0x128173a042dfdc03 0x0000000000000000 
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 28
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP
> ikev2_nat_detection: peer destination 0x128173a042dfdc03 0x0000000000000000 
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NONE critical 0x00 length 14
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type SIGNATURE_HASH_ALGORITHMS
> ikev2_pld_notify: signature hash SHA2_256 (2)
> ikev2_pld_notify: signature hash SHA2_384 (3)
> ikev2_pld_notify: signature hash SHA2_512 (4)
> proposals_negotiate: score 3
> policy_lookup: setting policy 'SERVER-EAST_INET4_NETS'
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: sa_state: INIT -> SA_INIT
> proposals_negotiate: score 3
> sa_stateok: SA_INIT flags 0x0000, require 0x0000 
> sa_stateflags: 0x0000 -> 0x0020 sa (required 0x0000 )
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: ikev2_sa_keys: DHSECRET with 66 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SKEYSEED with 64 bytes
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: ikev2_sa_keys: S with 80 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T1 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T2 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T3 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T4 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T5 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: Tn with 320 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_d with 64 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_ei with 36 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_er with 36 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_pi with 64 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_pr with 64 bytes
> ikev2_add_proposals: length 36
> ikev2_next_payload: length 40 nextpayload KE
> ikev2_next_payload: length 140 nextpayload NONCE
> ikev2_next_payload: length 36 nextpayload NOTIFY
> ikev2_nat_detection: local source 0x128173a042dfdc03 0x22c5f5ccef9637bf 
> ikev2_next_payload: length 28 nextpayload NOTIFY
> ikev2_nat_detection: local destination 0x128173a042dfdc03 0x22c5f5ccef9637bf 
> ikev2_next_payload: length 28 nextpayload NOTIFY
> ikev2_next_payload: length 14 nextpayload NONE
> ikev2_pld_parse: header ispi 0x128173a042dfdc03 rspi 0x22c5f5ccef9637bf 
> nextpayload SA version 0x20 exchange IKE_SA_INIT flags 0x20 msgid 0 length 
> 314 response 1
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload SA nextpayload KE critical 0x00 length 40
> ikev2_pld_sa: more 0 reserved 0 length 36 proposal #1 protoid IKE spisize 0 
> xforms 3 spi 0
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 12 type ENCR id AES_GCM_12
> ikev2_pld_attr: attribute type KEY_LENGTH length 256 total 4
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type PRF id HMAC_SHA2_512
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type DH id ECP_521
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload KE nextpayload NONCE critical 0x00 length 140
> ikev2_pld_ke: dh group ECP_521 reserved 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NONCE nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 36
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 28
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 28
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NONE critical 0x00 length 14
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type SIGNATURE_HASH_ALGORITHMS
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: send IKE_SA_INIT res 0 peer local 
>, 314 bytes
> config_free_proposals: free 0xbfa96fa9580
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: recv IKE_AUTH req 1 peer local 
>, 276 bytes, policy 'SERVER-EAST_INET4_NETS'
> ikev2_recv: ispi 0x128173a042dfdc03 rspi 0x22c5f5ccef9637bf
> ikev2_recv: updated SA to peer local
> ikev2_pld_parse: header ispi 0x128173a042dfdc03 rspi 0x22c5f5ccef9637bf 
> nextpayload SK version 0x20 exchange IKE_AUTH flags 0x08 msgid 1 length 276 
> response 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload SK nextpayload IDi critical 0x00 length 248
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: IV length 8
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: encrypted payload length 224
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: integrity checksum length 12
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: AAD length 32
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: decrypted payload length 224/224 padding 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload IDi nextpayload AUTH critical 0x00 
> length 27
> ikev2_pld_id: id FQDN/server-east.example.com length 23
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload AUTH nextpayload SA critical 0x00 
> length 72
> ikev2_pld_auth: method SHARED_KEY_MIC length 64
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload SA nextpayload TSi critical 0x00 length 
> 44
> ikev2_pld_sa: more 0 reserved 0 length 40 proposal #1 protoid ESP spisize 4 
> xforms 3 spi 0x5787a1ca
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 12 type ENCR id AES_GCM_16
> ikev2_pld_attr: attribute type KEY_LENGTH length 256 total 4
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type ESN id ESN
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type ESN id NONE
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload TSi nextpayload TSr critical 0x00 
> length 40
> ikev2_pld_tss: count 2 length 32
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload TSr nextpayload NONE critical 0x00 
> length 40
> ikev2_pld_tss: count 2 length 32
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> sa_stateok: SA_INIT flags 0x0000, require 0x0000 
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: sa_state: SA_INIT -> AUTH_REQUEST
> policy_lookup: peerid 'server-east.example.com'
> proposals_negotiate: score 3
> policy_lookup: setting policy 'SERVER-EAST_INET4_NETS'
> ikev2_msg_auth: responder auth data length 410
> proposals_negotiate: score 2
> sa_stateflags: 0x0028 -> 0x0028 auth,sa (required 0x0038 auth,authvalid,sa)
> ikev2_msg_auth: initiator auth data length 410
> ikev2_msg_authverify: method SHARED_KEY_MIC keylen 64 type NONE
> ikev2_msg_authverify: authentication successful
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: sa_state: AUTH_REQUEST -> AUTH_SUCCESS
> sa_stateflags: 0x0028 -> 0x0038 auth,authvalid,sa (required 0x0038 
> auth,authvalid,sa)
> sa_stateok: VALID flags 0x0038, require 0x0038 auth,authvalid,sa
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: sa_state: AUTH_SUCCESS -> VALID
> sa_stateok: VALID flags 0x0038, require 0x0038 auth,authvalid,sa
> sa_stateok: VALID flags 0x0038, require 0x0038 auth,authvalid,sa
> ikev2_sa_tag: VPN.ORD (7)
> ikev2_childsa_negotiate: proposal 1
> ikev2_childsa_negotiate: key material length 72
> ikev2_prfplus: T1 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T2 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: Tn with 128 bytes
> pfkey_sa_getspi: spi 0x9a987eb3
> pfkey_sa_init: new spi 0x9a987eb3
> ikev2_next_payload: length 27 nextpayload AUTH
> ikev2_next_payload: length 72 nextpayload SA
> ikev2_add_proposals: length 32
> ikev2_next_payload: length 36 nextpayload TSi
> ikev2_next_payload: length 40 nextpayload TSr
> ikev2_next_payload: length 40 nextpayload NONE
> ikev2_next_payload: length 240 nextpayload IDr
> ikev2_msg_encrypt: decrypted length 215
> ikev2_msg_encrypt: padded length 216
> ikev2_msg_encrypt: length 216, padding 0, output length 236
> ikev2_msg_integr: message length 268
> ikev2_msg_integr: integrity checksum length 12
> ikev2_pld_parse: header ispi 0x128173a042dfdc03 rspi 0x22c5f5ccef9637bf 
> nextpayload SK version 0x20 exchange IKE_AUTH flags 0x20 msgid 1 length 268 
> response 1
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload SK nextpayload IDr critical 0x00 length 240
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: IV length 8
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: encrypted payload length 216
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: integrity checksum length 12
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: AAD length 32
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: decrypted payload length 216/216 padding 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload IDr nextpayload AUTH critical 0x00 
> length 27
> ikev2_pld_id: id FQDN/server-west.example.com length 23
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload AUTH nextpayload SA critical 0x00 
> length 72
> ikev2_pld_auth: method SHARED_KEY_MIC length 64
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload SA nextpayload TSi critical 0x00 length 
> 36
> ikev2_pld_sa: more 0 reserved 0 length 32 proposal #1 protoid ESP spisize 4 
> xforms 2 spi 0x9a987eb3
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 12 type ENCR id AES_GCM_16
> ikev2_pld_attr: attribute type KEY_LENGTH length 256 total 4
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type ESN id ESN
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload TSi nextpayload TSr critical 0x00 
> length 40
> ikev2_pld_tss: count 2 length 32
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload TSr nextpayload NONE critical 0x00 
> length 40
> ikev2_pld_tss: count 2 length 32
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: send IKE_AUTH res 1 peer local 
>, 268 bytes
> pfkey_sa_add: update spi 0x9a987eb3
> ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded CHILD SA spi 0x9a987eb3
> pfkey_sa_add: add spi 0x5787a1ca
> ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded CHILD SA spi 0x5787a1ca
> ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded flow 0xbfa96fb1800
> ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded flow 0xbfa96fc1c00
> ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded flow 0xbfa96fb3c00
> ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded flow 0xbfa96fc1000
> ikev2_childsa_enable: remember SA peer
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded SPIs: 0x9a987eb3, 
> 0x5787a1ca (enc aes-256-gcm esn)
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded flows: 
> ESP-, ESP-
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: sa_state: VALID -> ESTABLISHED from 
> to policy 'SERVER-EAST_INET4_NETS'
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: established peer 
>[FQDN/server-east.example.com] local 
>[FQDN/server-west.example.com] policy 
> 'SERVER-EAST_INET4_NETS' as responder (enc aes-256-gcm-12 group ecp521 prf 
> hmac-sha2-512)
> config_free_proposals: free 0xbfa96fa9a00
> ikev2_init_ike_sa: "SERVER-EAST_INET4_NETS" is already active
> config_doreset: flushing policies
> config_doreset: flushing SAs
> config_free_proposals: free 0xbfa96fd5180
> config_free_proposals: free 0xbfa96fd9200
> config_free_childsas: free 0xbfa96fa0600
> config_free_childsas: free 0xbfa96fa1800
> sa_free_flows: free 0xbfa96fb1800
> sa_free_flows: free 0xbfa96fc1c00
> sa_free_flows: free 0xbfa96fb3c00
> sa_free_flows: free 0xbfa96fc1000
> config_free_proposals: free 0xbfa96fa9600
> config_free_proposals: free 0xbfa96fa9080
> config_free_flows: free 0xbfa96fd7400
> config_free_flows: free 0xbfa96fd7000
> ca exiting, pid 22311
> control exiting, pid 78978
> config_doreset: flushing users
> ikev2 exiting, pid 37133
> parent terminating
> # server-east `iked -dvv`
> create_ike: using unknown for peer server-west.example.com
> ikev2 "SERVER-WEST_INET4_NETS" active tunnel esp inet from to 
> from to local peer 
> ikesa enc aes-256-gcm-12 prf hmac-sha2-512 group ecp521 childsa 
> enc aes-256-gcm group ecp521 esn noesn srcid server-east.example.com dstid 
> SERVER-WEST.example.com lifetime 14400 bytes 4294967296 psk 
> 0x4935535056446657336c2f4643625779364c7075414b764f526a4146545a763332562b79787058657a78454e314d6b34737a6c53434b3863522f3564686b68486443534369445145694d6a756b6f646153654f594c766755427479664c495550
> /etc/iked.conf: loaded 1 configuration rules
> ca_privkey_serialize: type RSA_KEY length 1191
> ca_pubkey_serialize: type RSA_KEY length 270
> ca_privkey_to_method: type RSA_KEY method RSA_SIG
> ca_getkey: received private key type RSA_KEY length 1191
> ca_getkey: received public key type RSA_KEY length 270
> ca_dispatch_parent: config reset
> ca_reload: local cert type RSA_KEY
> config_getocsp: ocsp_url none tolerate 0 maxage -1
> ikev2_dispatch_cert: updated local CERTREQ type RSA_KEY length 0
> config_getpolicy: received policy
> config_getpfkey: received pfkey fd 3
> config_getcompile: compilation done
> config_getsocket: received socket fd 4
> config_getsocket: received socket fd 5
> config_getsocket: received socket fd 6
> config_getsocket: received socket fd 7
> config_getstatic: dpd_check_interval 60
> config_getstatic: no enforcesingleikesa
> config_getstatic: no fragmentation
> config_getstatic: mobike
> config_getstatic: nattport 4500
> config_getstatic: no stickyaddress
> ikev2_init_ike_sa: initiating "SERVER-WEST_INET4_NETS"
> ikev2_policy2id: srcid FQDN/server-east.example.com length 23
> ikev2_add_proposals: length 36
> ikev2_next_payload: length 40 nextpayload KE
> ikev2_next_payload: length 140 nextpayload NONCE
> ikev2_next_payload: length 36 nextpayload NOTIFY
> ikev2_nat_detection: local source 0x128173a042dfdc03 0x0000000000000000 
> ikev2_next_payload: length 28 nextpayload NOTIFY
> ikev2_nat_detection: local destination 0x128173a042dfdc03 0x0000000000000000 
> ikev2_next_payload: length 28 nextpayload NOTIFY
> ikev2_next_payload: length 14 nextpayload NONE
> ikev2_pld_parse: header ispi 0x128173a042dfdc03 rspi 0x0000000000000000 
> nextpayload SA version 0x20 exchange IKE_SA_INIT flags 0x08 msgid 0 length 
> 314 response 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload SA nextpayload KE critical 0x00 length 40
> ikev2_pld_sa: more 0 reserved 0 length 36 proposal #1 protoid IKE spisize 0 
> xforms 3 spi 0
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 12 type ENCR id AES_GCM_12
> ikev2_pld_attr: attribute type KEY_LENGTH length 256 total 4
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type DH id ECP_521
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type PRF id HMAC_SHA2_512
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload KE nextpayload NONCE critical 0x00 length 140
> ikev2_pld_ke: dh group ECP_521 reserved 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NONCE nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 36
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 28
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 28
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NONE critical 0x00 length 14
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type SIGNATURE_HASH_ALGORITHMS
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: send IKE_SA_INIT req 0 peer local 
>, 314 bytes
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: sa_state: INIT -> SA_INIT
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: retransmit 1 IKE_SA_INIT req 0 peer 
> local
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: retransmit 2 IKE_SA_INIT req 0 peer 
> local
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: recv IKE_SA_INIT res 0 peer local 
>, 314 bytes, policy 'SERVER-WEST_INET4_NETS'
> ikev2_recv: ispi 0x128173a042dfdc03 rspi 0x22c5f5ccef9637bf
> ikev2_recv: updated SA to peer local
> ikev2_policy2id: srcid FQDN/server-east.example.com length 23
> ikev2_pld_parse: header ispi 0x128173a042dfdc03 rspi 0x22c5f5ccef9637bf 
> nextpayload SA version 0x20 exchange IKE_SA_INIT flags 0x20 msgid 0 length 
> 314 response 1
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload SA nextpayload KE critical 0x00 length 40
> ikev2_pld_sa: more 0 reserved 0 length 36 proposal #1 protoid IKE spisize 0 
> xforms 3 spi 0
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 12 type ENCR id AES_GCM_12
> ikev2_pld_attr: attribute type KEY_LENGTH length 256 total 4
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type PRF id HMAC_SHA2_512
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type DH id ECP_521
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload KE nextpayload NONCE critical 0x00 length 140
> ikev2_pld_ke: dh group ECP_521 reserved 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NONCE nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 36
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 28
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP
> ikev2_nat_detection: peer source 0x128173a042dfdc03 0x22c5f5ccef9637bf 
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 28
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP
> ikev2_nat_detection: peer destination 0x128173a042dfdc03 0x22c5f5ccef9637bf 
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NONE critical 0x00 length 14
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type SIGNATURE_HASH_ALGORITHMS
> ikev2_pld_notify: signature hash SHA2_256 (2)
> ikev2_pld_notify: signature hash SHA2_384 (3)
> ikev2_pld_notify: signature hash SHA2_512 (4)
> proposals_negotiate: score 3
> sa_stateok: SA_INIT flags 0x0000, require 0x0008 auth
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: ikev2_sa_keys: DHSECRET with 66 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SKEYSEED with 64 bytes
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: ikev2_sa_keys: S with 80 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T1 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T2 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T3 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T4 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T5 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: Tn with 320 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_d with 64 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_ei with 36 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_er with 36 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_pi with 64 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_pr with 64 bytes
> ikev2_msg_auth: initiator auth data length 410
> sa_stateok: SA_INIT flags 0x0008, require 0x0008 auth
> ikev2_next_payload: length 27 nextpayload AUTH
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: ikev2_cp_request_configured: no
> ikev2_next_payload: length 72 nextpayload SA
> pfkey_sa_getspi: spi 0x5787a1ca
> pfkey_sa_init: new spi 0x5787a1ca
> ikev2_add_proposals: length 40
> ikev2_next_payload: length 44 nextpayload TSi
> ikev2_next_payload: length 40 nextpayload TSr
> ikev2_next_payload: length 40 nextpayload NONE
> ikev2_next_payload: length 248 nextpayload IDi
> ikev2_msg_encrypt: decrypted length 223
> ikev2_msg_encrypt: padded length 224
> ikev2_msg_encrypt: length 224, padding 0, output length 244
> ikev2_msg_integr: message length 276
> ikev2_msg_integr: integrity checksum length 12
> ikev2_pld_parse: header ispi 0x128173a042dfdc03 rspi 0x22c5f5ccef9637bf 
> nextpayload SK version 0x20 exchange IKE_AUTH flags 0x08 msgid 1 length 276 
> response 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload SK nextpayload IDi critical 0x00 length 248
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: IV length 8
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: encrypted payload length 224
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: integrity checksum length 12
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: AAD length 32
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: decrypted payload length 224/224 padding 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload IDi nextpayload AUTH critical 0x00 
> length 27
> ikev2_pld_id: id FQDN/server-east.example.com length 23
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload AUTH nextpayload SA critical 0x00 
> length 72
> ikev2_pld_auth: method SHARED_KEY_MIC length 64
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload SA nextpayload TSi critical 0x00 length 
> 44
> ikev2_pld_sa: more 0 reserved 0 length 40 proposal #1 protoid ESP spisize 4 
> xforms 3 spi 0x5787a1ca
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 12 type ENCR id AES_GCM_16
> ikev2_pld_attr: attribute type KEY_LENGTH length 256 total 4
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type ESN id ESN
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type ESN id NONE
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload TSi nextpayload TSr critical 0x00 
> length 40
> ikev2_pld_tss: count 2 length 32
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload TSr nextpayload NONE critical 0x00 
> length 40
> ikev2_pld_tss: count 2 length 32
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: send IKE_AUTH req 1 peer local 
>, 276 bytes
> config_free_proposals: free 0xd12437e8780
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: recv IKE_AUTH res 1 peer local 
>, 268 bytes, policy 'SERVER-WEST_INET4_NETS'
> ikev2_recv: ispi 0x128173a042dfdc03 rspi 0x22c5f5ccef9637bf
> ikev2_recv: updated SA to peer local
> ikev2_pld_parse: header ispi 0x128173a042dfdc03 rspi 0x22c5f5ccef9637bf 
> nextpayload SK version 0x20 exchange IKE_AUTH flags 0x20 msgid 1 length 268 
> response 1
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload SK nextpayload IDr critical 0x00 length 240
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: IV length 8
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: encrypted payload length 216
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: integrity checksum length 12
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: AAD length 32
> ikev2_msg_decrypt: decrypted payload length 216/216 padding 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload IDr nextpayload AUTH critical 0x00 
> length 27
> ikev2_pld_id: id FQDN/SERVER-WEST.example.com length 23
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload AUTH nextpayload SA critical 0x00 
> length 72
> ikev2_pld_auth: method SHARED_KEY_MIC length 64
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload SA nextpayload TSi critical 0x00 length 
> 36
> ikev2_pld_sa: more 0 reserved 0 length 32 proposal #1 protoid ESP spisize 4 
> xforms 2 spi 0x9a987eb3
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 12 type ENCR id AES_GCM_16
> ikev2_pld_attr: attribute type KEY_LENGTH length 256 total 4
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type ESN id ESN
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload TSi nextpayload TSr critical 0x00 
> length 40
> ikev2_pld_tss: count 2 length 32
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> ikev2_pld_payloads: decrypted payload TSr nextpayload NONE critical 0x00 
> length 40
> ikev2_pld_tss: count 2 length 32
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> ikev2_pld_tss: type IPV4_ADDR_RANGE protoid 0 length 16 startport 0 endport 
> 65535
> ikev2_pld_ts: start end
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: sa_state: SA_INIT -> AUTH_REQUEST
> policy_lookup: peerid 'SERVER-WEST.example.com'
> proposals_negotiate: score 3
> policy_lookup: setting policy 'SERVER-WEST_INET4_NETS'
> proposals_negotiate: score 2
> sa_stateflags: 0x0008 -> 0x0028 auth,sa (required 0x0030 authvalid,sa)
> ikev2_msg_auth: responder auth data length 410
> ikev2_msg_authverify: method SHARED_KEY_MIC keylen 64 type NONE
> ikev2_msg_authverify: authentication successful
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: sa_state: AUTH_REQUEST -> AUTH_SUCCESS
> sa_stateflags: 0x0028 -> 0x0038 auth,authvalid,sa (required 0x0030 
> authvalid,sa)
> sa_stateok: VALID flags 0x0030, require 0x0030 authvalid,sa
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: sa_state: AUTH_SUCCESS -> VALID
> sa_stateok: VALID flags 0x0030, require 0x0030 authvalid,sa
> sa_stateok: VALID flags 0x0030, require 0x0030 authvalid,sa
> ikev2_sa_tag: VPN.SERVER-WEST (7)
> ikev2_childsa_negotiate: proposal 1
> ikev2_childsa_negotiate: key material length 72
> ikev2_prfplus: T1 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T2 with 64 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: Tn with 128 bytes
> pfkey_sa_add: add spi 0x9a987eb3
> ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded CHILD SA spi 0x9a987eb3
> pfkey_sa_add: update spi 0x5787a1ca
> ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded CHILD SA spi 0x5787a1ca
> ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded flow 0xd12437cd800
> ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded flow 0xd12437cd000
> ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded flow 0xd12437d4000
> ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded flow 0xd12437cd400
> ikev2_childsa_enable: remember SA peer
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded SPIs: 0x9a987eb3, 
> 0x5787a1ca (enc aes-256-gcm esn)
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: ikev2_childsa_enable: loaded flows: 
> ESP-, ESP-
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: sa_state: VALID -> ESTABLISHED from 
> to policy 'SERVER-WEST_INET4_NETS'
> spi=0x128173a042dfdc03: established peer 
>[FQDN/SERVER-WEST.example.com] local 
>[FQDN/server-east.example.com] policy 'SERVER-WEST_INET4_NETS' 
> as initiator (enc aes-256-gcm-12 group ecp521 prf hmac-sha2-512)
> config_free_proposals: free 0xd12437d7a80
> config_doreset: flushing policies
> config_doreset: flushing SAs
> config_free_proposals: free 0xd12437e8c80
> config_free_proposals: free 0xd12437d7680
> config_free_childsas: free 0xd1243801d00
> ca exiting, pid 82293
> control exiting, pid 62242
> config_free_childsas: free 0xd12437f0800
> sa_free_flows: free 0xd12437cd800
> pfkey_reply: not found
> sa_free_flows: free 0xd12437cd000
> pfkey_reply: not found
> sa_free_flows: free 0xd12437d4000
> pfkey_reply: not found
> sa_free_flows: free 0xd12437cd400
> pfkey_reply: not found
> config_free_proposals: free 0xd12437e8900
> config_free_proposals: free 0xd12437e6000
> config_free_flows: free 0xd12437f1000
> config_free_flows: free 0xd12437f1c00
> config_doreset: flushing users
> ikev2 exiting, pid 56694
> parent terminating

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