I'm following the instructions at http://openbsd.org/stable/html to upgrade
to 3.8-stable.

Everything works as it is supposed to until I get to the part where I am
supposed to copy the newly compiled kernel into /.  I execute the command
and get this error:

# cp bsd /bsd 
 cp: /bsd: Operation not permitted

I got around this by setting /etc/rc.securelevel to 0, rebooting, and then
executing the commands:

# chflags noschg /bsd
# cp /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC/bsd /bsd
# chflags schg /bsd

Then changing /etc/rc.securelevel back to 1 and rebooting.

Now uname -a is reported as:
OpenBSD host.hostname.net 3.8 GENERIC#0 i386

So it appears that the kernel upgrade was successful...I hope.

Now I'm tryig to upgrade the binaries by executing the following commands:

# cd /usr/src/
# rm -r /usr/obj/*
# make obj && make build

It starts to compile but then gives me this error:

 ===> lib/libpthread 
 "Makefile", line 29: Could not find
 Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue 
 *** Error code 1 
 Stop in /usr/src/lib. 
 *** Error code 1 
 Stop in /usr/src.

I'm not sure why it's missing that file as I performed a cvs checkout just
last night using this command:

# cd /usr; cvs checkout -P -rOPENBSD_3_8 src

I just did:

# cd /usr/src; rm -rf *
# cd /usr; cvs checkout -P -rOPENBSD_3_8 src

So, my questions are these:

1.  Was this an appropriate way of doing the kernel upgrade?
2.  How do I correctly clean up from the failed binary build?  Is this ok:
# cd /usr/obj/; rm -r *
3.  How do I fix the error so it compiles correctly...assuming that the file
shows up from the second cvs checkout
4.  Once it compiles correctly, how do I install the binaries?  The upgade
page does not include this information.

Thanks for the help.

Mike Loiterman
Tel: 630-302-4944
Fax: 773-442-0992
PGP Key: 0xD1B9D18E

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