f.holop <min...@obiit.org> wrote:

> Theo de Raadt - Wed, 11 May 2022 at 18:08:53
> > f.holop <min...@obiit.org> wrote:
> > 
> > > Stuart Henderson - Mon, 09 May 2022 at 17:17:57
> > > > Currently, you can either set it manually to low speed
> > > > (hw.perfpolicy=manual, hw.setperf=0), modify the kernel (e.g. with the
> > > > diff below), or use obsdfreqd from packages. The latter is only in
> > > > -current packages not 7.1, but it could be built from ports.
> > > 
> > > I think the elephant in the room is:
> > > will this change be reverted?
> > > 
> > > What is the rationale of not letting wall powered servers
> > > throttle down?
> > 
> > As it is today the scheduler-based algorithm seriously sucks, and after
> > the change it was discovered many machines were running 10-20% less than
> > peak performance even under load.  This was discovered during
> > suspend/hibernate/resume events but it affects all workloads.
> a 3rd party package popping up immediately to "solve" this issue is a
> good sign that it's not only about me me me. i don't know your workload,
> you don't know mine.  some do not need "peak performance" workloads all
> the time and actaully care more about power consumption on the long run
> than a couple of percentage points lost in performance.

I don't care what your workload is.

Shall I remind you what my role is in this project?  Should I demonstrate
it by quitting?

Grow up.

> this mailing list is littered with performance issues regarding openbsd
> and it was always a clear message by the developers that it is something
> important but clearly secondary after correctness, readability, etc.

we can't be a fast operating system, if the default behaviour is to slow
down aggressively, and not speed up aggressively.

> it's great that this was discovered but openbsd could simply come with
> those default settings and recommendations. let me choose my tradeoffs
> please, that was the entire point of that sysctl.  the exact same effect
> the hardcoding does was solvable with 2 lines of sysctl.conf for _those
> who wanted it that way_.

you are wrong.

> this whole discussion is really bizarre, do you want to hardcode some
> of my other sysctls as well in the next release?
> apparently we are not adults who should have a choice.

oh will you just shut up.

> i am really curious how this will affect your own power bill, you have
> lots of iron at home, some quite power hungry i imagine.  summer is
> coming maybe you will need more cooling too.  please publish some
> numbers in a month or two if you dont mind the transparency.

I don't care how it affects your power bill.

Why don't you go run some other operating system and get your moaning
off this list?

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