On Wed, Nov 02, 2022 at 02:05:48AM -0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> If anyone's got any good suggestions on how to do VPNs with 2FA
> on an OpenBSD gateway for non-technical users to access (iOS, Android,
> Windows clients) I'd love to hear them.
> I could bodge something together with openvpn and TOTP but it doesn't
> exactly spark joy.

We're using Let's Connect/EduVPN (https://www.letsconnect-vpn.org/) which
is effectively a frontend for OpenVPN and wireguard, with client apps for
every major platform.  The user authenticates to the VPN server using a
browser window, so you can do anything you want there, including MFA.

Some minor changes were required to get it working on OpenBSD, mostly relating
to EdDSA and chacha support.

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