hi guys,

I have simple PcEngines APU2 router running latest OpenBSD stable.

em0 is WAN (bridge to CaTV modem with 1Gbps/100Mbps connectivity with normal 
ether connectivity with DHCP...no special stuff like PPPoE)

em1-3 is in vether/bridge mode with NAT routing to local network.

I have complained to ISP about speeds because it supposes to run almost 1Gbps.

results (speedtest.net used by ISP for some reason):

800+/85 Mbps measured by ISP technician directly from CaTV modem.
440MBps/85Mbps simple NAT firewall pf.conf based on OpenBSD suggestions
380/80Mbps with my strict firewall rules

I have used following guide http://dant.net.ru/calomel/network_performance.html 
No changes, same performance.

Checking out router monitoring

3k packets/s firewall throughput
pf_states lookup max. 12k/s, ~2k/s
CPU bored, max. load 25%
RAM 2.6 GB from 4GB free, swap never used

I am guessing HW is not issue.

Is there any issues with bridging local interfaces, and routing/NAT 
performance, please?

I tried to Google answers, and there is lots of whining but no real info. It 
supposes to run double speed, at least 800Mbps as shown by ISP technicians.

Any suggestions for bottleneck, please?



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