Geoff Steckel <> wrote:

> My objection to dhcpleased is not whether the program does useful things.
> I'm sure it does "what it should".
> Adding this sentence to the dhcpleased man page would make
> it clear what it does beyond leasing the IP:
> "By default, it replaces the DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf
> and replaces the default route using information from the DHCP server."

But that would be a lie.

dhcpleased does not touch resolv.conf
It does not work like that at all.  resolvd is the program which modifies

resolvd documents how it works quite well.   the resolv.conf file does
not really document how it might come to be changed, but shrug.  one
thing that is missing is that dhcpleased and slaacd do not mention they
are re-advertising dns onto the route socket in a way that resolvd can
act upon.

> If it does anything else it's a bug in the documentation or
> the program. Examine many, many man pages for the traditional
> suite of Unix programs. They're contracts.
> Surprises in the .conf leave doubts about all the documentation
> and the program itself.

When you put it that way, I don't feel like changing a single word
in the documentation.

> Now I'll shut up.

Probably wise.

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