On Fri Dec 23, 2022 at 1:23 AM CET, Geoff Steckel wrote:
> My objection to dhcpleased is not whether the program does useful things.
> I'm sure it does "what it should".
> Adding this sentence to the dhcpleased man page would make
> it clear what it does beyond leasing the IP:
> "By default, it replaces the DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf
> and replaces the default route using information from the DHCP server."
> If it does anything else it's a bug in the documentation or
> the program. Examine many, many man pages for the traditional
> suite of Unix programs. They're contracts.
> Surprises in the .conf leave doubts about all the documentation
> and the program itself.

I would suggest to look at least on RFC 3442 as there are things your
dhcp server provider MUST do and you as client can pick what suits
you with options.

> Now I'll shut up.
> Geoff Steckel

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