On Jan 09 13:10:09, euryd...@riseup.net wrote:
> > > aucat(1) currently says
> > > 
> > >   BUGS
> > >        Resampling is low quality.
> > > 
> > > Is this still considered to be the case?
> > 
> > IMO, it doesn't deserve the BUGS section anymore, I'll remove this
> > sentence. Objections?
> Although I need to finalize the Perl script I was using to do this (life gets
> busy), in practice I was able to distinguish between samples created by
> audio/sox and aucat(1) in informal AB/X testing on my 7th generation X1 Carbon
> with HiFiMan Sundara headphones plugged in. To describe the circumstances +
> outcome briefly: 9 out of 10 correct in 10 trials; randomly sampling from an
> array containing the givens A and B to get an unknown X; comparing 15 seconds 
> of
> audio; audio/sox as the playback software. In the future, I would do >=16
> trials, and perhaps conduct the tests from my desktop instead since it has a
> discrete amp and DAC.
> In offline resampling from 48kHz to 44.1kHz, the highs were most affected and
> that's what I was able to use to distinguish between samples. The percussion,
> especially the cymbals, sounded different in particular because the clip
> resampled by aucat had cymbal crashes that seemed to 'shimmer' much less (the
> decay was more rapid). The spectrograms seemed to confirm that the highs were
> most affected. 
> Whether that means "low quality resampling" or merely that the results of the
> two commands can be differentiated is something I'm uncertain of. Either way, 
> I
> don't know enough about C or sndio internals to be useful in that domain yet. 
> As
> an aside, I did find this to be a useful resource for learning about digital
> audio resampling, and they recommend audio/sox there.
> https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/resample/
> I hadn't said anything about this earlier because I wanted to take the time to
> finish + document the script, reproduce my results with a royalty free sample 
> at
> a greater trial count, and then post. Given that I haven't done so yet, I can 
> at
> least post the commands used to resample the audio for those that are
> interested.
> # This was originally an opus file downloaded with www/yt-dlp.
> # Converting to WAV so both SoX and aucat can work with it.
> $ opusdec input.{opus,wav}

Can you please point to the specific opus file,
so that I can reproduce exactly what you have done?

> # Resample 16-bit 48kHz WAV file to 44.1kHz using both SoX and aucat(1).
> #
> # If I recall correctly, I converted to FLAC here because the WAV headers
> # generated by aucat and SoX differed, and so SoX would refuse to play WAV 
> files
> # created by aucat.

That would be a bug in itself.
How exactly does SoX refuse to play the WAVs created by aucat?

> $ sox -G input.wav -t wav - rate -v 44100 | flac - -o output-sox.flac
> $ aucat -i input.wav -h wav -r 44100 -e s16 -o - | flac - -o output-aucat.flac

sox dithers by default; can you try with sox -D
to see of the results are more similar?

> # Generate spectrograms for later inspection/comparison.
> $ sox output-sox.flac -n spectrogram -o spectrogram-sox.png
> $ sox output-aucat.flac -n spectrogram -o spectrogram-aucat.png
> I'd certainly be interested in the ability to play audio in a way
> that avoids resampling altogether,

If you have a 48kHz file, and your audio device can only do 44100,
then you have to resample, no way around it.

> similar to what a user can do on FreeBSD with the
> following sysctl tweaks:
> # sysctl hw.snd.maxautovchans=0 dev.pcm.0.bitperfect=1
> https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=sound&manpath=FreeBSD+13.1-RELEASE&format=html

It's off topis of course, but What is dev.pcm.%d.bitperfect gonna do
if the sample rate (or some other characteristics) is not what the device
itself supports? As in e.g. $ play -r 12345 -c 3 -n synth 10

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