On Wed, Mar 15, 2006 at 03:09:01PM -0500, Will H. Backman wrote:
> Daniel Ouellet wrote:
> >Sorry for my ignorance on the subject and this issue and the use of X 
> >all together.
> >
> >Not critical what so ever by any long shoot, but I was curious as to if 
> >there is some window manage that actually DO NOT need any of the X stuff 
> >all together?
> >
> >Meaning something that obviously will not be like KDE, or GNome for 
> >sure, not even remotely close to it, but anything like that, that works 
> >well and don't need ANY X stuff? Don't need or use the aperture stuff as 
> >well?
> >
> >I hope my question make some kind of senses.
> >
> >What's your favorite if any actually exists?
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >Daniel
> >
> >PS: I guess my total ignorance on that specific subject show right! (:>
> >
> The only one that comes to mind is "screen", but I don't think it is 
> what you are looking for.

There are some 'more graphical' X alternatives too, but they are not
exactly widely used. Search freshmeat - there is at least one, picogui,
that looks like it could have been somewhat promising when it was
abandoned by its author.

No idea if it even compiles nowadays, especially on OpenBSD, though. And
I don't know how this thing talks to video cards. Theo seems to indicate
that working with video cards pretty much requires a good dose of


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